Just to add my 2 cents in, I have my PS100 in a KHE switcher rig. I was sitting down with it and it does change the sound. But...I basically found a setting that when bypassed is 98% the same on all my amps at unity volume. There is a slight different in the low mids but it is not really perceivable unless you are on a/bing the 2 directly back to back like I did. I then was able to bring the volume down. It obviously will not have the same punch at lower volumes and the aggression may come out of it (due to the cab not pushing as hard), but I feel it does its job---allows me to retain the same tone I want at lower or higher volumes, add a dedicated loop (which I need as it is hooked up to all my amps and allows my effects to stay the same), or allows me to drastically change the sound of my amp or use amps as a 1.5 channel kind of deal. None of them are perfect but I got this pretty damn close.