Glad you're getting a refund. Sucks about not buying off forums.
I'm still open to purchasing on forums but I think this goes to show that more now than ever, you have to do your due diligence. Call the guy. Get his phone number. Shoot him a text and ask for a pic with today's date and your username. Ask for a FaceTime or Zoom meeting to have a look at the amp. A seller should never push back against these things and if they do or go dark, then your antenna should be up for a scam.
As a cybersecurity professional, this was interesting to me because the social engineering he did to pull of this scam took more work than most scammers are willing to do. He made posts, started new threads, was chatty and pleasant, and most of all: he knew about guitars. This wasn't some Russian kid in his basement pretending to be a Nigerian prince. This was a very targeted, sophisticated social engineering event. Very interesting.