Sir, what rock did you crawl under and remain under to never hear of the Grand Prix!!!?? Dear god man!!!
This is clearly the most important event in Canada. A pack of brave and courageous men, with lightning fast reflexes, dueling one another at 220mph, risking life and limb in order to achieve a glorious victory! Only to get back in the car next weekend to do it all over. The highest skill level of both body and mind is required and people do die participating in this utter madness! If you see this in person, it’s truly shocking, yet simultaneously wildly exciting, the speed, the deafening sound, turning at 100mph around tight 9o degree curves, whoa…… These men are calculating maniacs, carefully balancing their risk to reward ratio, usually tossing aside the unfavorable result, making life or death decisions on the fly, decisions that would be impossible for mere mortals like us! These are true men, warriors of the highest order, demanding upon themselves they deliver time and again, living on the edge, yet loving every second of it!! I salute them!!! Viva la F1!!!
And also, the Hermansson is insanely bad ass!! Henric ALWAYS DELIVERS!!!!