GASaholics anonymous

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I had a serious discussion with my wife about my problem with spending too much money on gear. And it is a problem. This is going to be a long winded post, so if you want to know what my strategy to end my GAS once and for all is, scroll to the bold bit at the bottom. And then let me know how you're doing with GAS and whether you have a strategy to end it.

It's not even like we have the space in our small house, I've completely run out and now I have trouble plugging in and out of stuff that is sitting at the top of my amp pile when I added one more over the weekend.

It's not even a huge collection, I just have four guitar amps, one bass amp, two preamps and two power amps. I have one 2x12 and one 4x12. The guitar collection is currently seven guitars and a bass, with two of the guitars in storage. There's also an electronic drum kit and a rack full of interfaces and my digital modellers.

It's way too much for one man to logically use to its fullest extent, I have been thinking. I'm not Slash or Bonamassa that I can afford to keep around valuable instruments and gear without playing them a lot more.

The amp pile towers over me and I'm seriously scared it's going to topple one of these days and defenestrate some part of my body. Or worse, crush a few guitars on the way down.

I'm not a professional musician, and there are some days I look at my guitars and amps and worry that I only play them in rotation to the extent that each of them really sees only a few days of cumulative playtime in a year.

The cabs just sit around lying useless most of the time, because I really cannot mic them up to save my life, and perhaps more importantly have noise concerns in my neighbourhood.

I think the electronic drum kit was a very wise decision, as I can play even till late at night with headphones. But I t recently somewhat foolishly agreed to buy a new module and a digital snare to improve it, with plans for more toms and more cymbals so that I can have a "monster kit".


The biggest concern for me, I guess, is that I really should be thinking about putting money into more lucrative assets like stocks and property. Another couple of decades till retirement, and my wife will depend on me to keep her comfortable in her golden years.

The GAS is real though. I keep looking at guitars like Music Mans, PRSes and Mayoneses. I keep drooling over amps like Bogners and Mesas. And the urge to just pull out my credit card to pay is strong, with feelings of guilt and anxiety coming later as I worry about how I'm going to have to curb spending on more rational things just so that I could play on something for a few hours every month.

So I put together a list of what I owned and have begun to downsize.

I got off to a good start when I sold a guitar (Jeff Hanneman JH-600EC) and a Czarcie Kopyto drum pedal (which I replaced with a cheaper pedal). Currently selling a bass amp, a modeller, a drum module and a bass (which I will have to replace with something else unfortunately).

After the sales that I have already made, I am a couple of grand in the green, and this is after I bought the pedals and a VHT Sig:X. Hoping that the other stuff I have listed will sell soon so that I can put some money away.

And in some good news, I will be done paying off one of my home loans by the end of this year, so I can look at taking out a new mortgage on it and using the funds to buy an investment property.

Can't bring myself to part with any more of my guitars and amps though. And my dinky-little amp collection is my pride and joy, I have sold a lot of amps over the years and have always regretted it. So they'll have to stay.

But I took a decision to just buy one or two more amps and then stop altogether. None this year, I've already bought a tonne of stuff. But next year, maybe $5k all in, and then I'm going to try to quit cold turkey.

The amps I am looking at are a Diezel VHX (got to have a Diezel, if I hadn't sold my VH4 this wouldn't be necessary) and either a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Multiwatt or a Rectifier Recording preamp that I could pair with my Rectifier Stereo 2:100.

That's my "big decision" haha. GAS always gets the better of me. But I think of it as two baby steps and then just resisting temptation.

I've done this before, and maintained my decision for a long time. But then GAS got the better of me and I caved in.

Trying to do better, but it's a real problem.
Speaking with regard to amps only AJ, we've had this discussion years ago in the Kemper forum so you know what I'm gonna say:

Ditch all of them and replace them with a Kemper... again. That in-theory should dampen the amp GAS.

As a bonus, your guitar recordings should, again in-theory, sound better-balanced and more-articulate due to the lack of room modes, unwanted reflections, comb filtering (the unintentional kind) and whatnot.
what is the problem again?? im failing to see one

Third world problem. To recap, limited space, limited money.

You have a Mark IIC+, right? Must be nice being rich and not having a care in the world lol.
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Thanks for weighing in with a meme.

I don't get it, you don't have anything to say because you can't be bothered to read, yet you feel like you have something to contribute.

Perhaps I should say the same thing about you when you post those two-minute clips that sound like you just want to win a contest on thegearforum, but the music doesn't go anywhere or really demonstrate anything other than some guy who will win a contest through sheer shitposting.

Except my post would be cutting, and yours just sounds like someone with ADD.

Happy to carry on the discussion further, if you can sink your teeth into that. Peace.
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Hello 911? My Triple Recto has fallen on me and I can’t get up

A Triple Recto is heavy as hell, but I'd be in some serious hurt if it was the Rectifier Stereo and the Mesa Boogie Quad at the same time.
Speaking with regard to amps only AJ, we've had this discussion years ago in the Kemper forum so you know what I'm gonna say:

Ditch all of them and replace them with a Kemper... again. That in-theory should dampen the amp GAS.

As a bonus, your guitar recordings should, again in-theory, sound better-balanced and more-articulate due to the lack of room modes, unwanted reflections, comb filtering (the unintentional kind) and whatnot.

That's good advice, Nicky, but I prefer my Quad Cortex. Even selling the Axe FXIII because I just find it easier to tweak the QC. The ability to use Neural DSP plugins is what takes the cake, those things sound seriously good, so I just use presets.
OK, the QC then.

You get my point 'though I'm sure.

Amps are just so much more fun than digital, Nicky. That's the reason I bought and sold the Kemper four times.

I would rather get rid of the QC than the amps I have right now. Plug in and it brings a smile to your face.
Try and find another hobby that doesn't take up as much space?
What other interests do you have?

The other hobby I have is gaming. That thankfully does not take up too much space. Have a PS4 with the VR headset (not a PS5 since I don't need the latest and greatest), and also have a Windows partition on my Mac that I use to play games like Space Marines II.

I like to read as well, and my Kindle holds all the books I need.

I really should get back into sports as well. Getting fat as I get old. That said, I lost 6kg in the last four months just by walking places.

Still, music is my favourite pastime. I really love gear, it's just so much fun to tinker with and when I get a good sound in my room, I play for hours, even if I'm unable to get it down on a recording.

The GAS is specifically linked to that. The other hobbies are thankfully low maintenance.

I think I have a good plan. Just focus on one or two more things I need and then call it quits.

May have to get off forums for a while too, just to avoid seeing all the sick stuff people are playing!
The other hobby I have is gaming. That thankfully does not take up too much space. Have a PS4 with the VR headset (not a PS5 since I don't need the latest and greatest), and also have a Windows partition on my Mac that I use to play games like Space Marines II.

I like to read as well, and my Kindle holds all the books I need.

I really should get back into sports as well. Getting fat as I get old. That said, I lost 6kg in the last four months just by walking places.

Still, music is my favourite pastime. I really love gear, it's just so much fun to tinker with and when I get a good sound in my room, I play for hours, even if I'm unable to get it down on a recording.

The GAS is specifically linked to that. The other hobbies are thankfully low maintenance.

I think I have a good plan. Just focus on one or two more things I need and then call it quits.

May have to get off forums for a while too, just to avoid seeing all the sick stuff people are playing!

A fun and inexpensive small space rabbit hole to take up some time is a Raspberry Pi or Arduino if you're into tinkering. Fun for old school gaming emulation too if you want to revisit those you grew up with. Whatever direction you go; I wish you luck on your quest, but don't ditch the music! You post some of my favorite clips! ❤️
I can relate somewhat, about what to keep or let go, if I’m using it enough, etc. It sounds like you have a plan. Skip the Diezel VHX though and get another VH4. They don’t feel/ sound the same.
I can relate somewhat, about what to keep or let go, if I’m using it enough, etc. It sounds like you have a plan. Skip the Diezel VHX though and get another VH4. They don’t feel/ sound the same.

I’m interested in the VHX specifically because it’s a bit different from the VH4. Some say it’s a bit tighter. It also would be nice to have Herbert and a few other sounds in a single box.

I make everything sound like shit anyways, so it’s no biggie haha

A fun and inexpensive small space rabbit hole to take up some time is a Raspberry Pi or Arduino if you're into tinkering. Fun for old school gaming emulation too if you want to revisit those you grew up with. Whatever direction you go; I wish you luck on your quest, but don't ditch the music! You post some of my favorite clips! ❤️

I started learning Python, but then dropped it after things got hectic at work. Really should get back into it!

Thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate how nice a person you are on the internet and I’m sure it translates into real life too.

Saw a lot of the posts on the forum attacking you and kept silent because I didn’t want to get involved and make matters worse.

I’m glad I did. With those clips you later posted, you crushed the entire forum and all those idiots who were just spewing shit from their mouths like waterfalls are left with a bitter aftertaste.

Keep kicking ass!
It’s only stuff and you only live once. No you can’t take it with you but don’t beat yourself up on a hobby that brings you joy. Just remember to actually use the gear for what it’s intended and don’t turn into a collector of gear for investment liquidation for retirement which is a completely different hobby than creating music with it. I’d also argue that isn’t a good idea in this economy and is likely to have worse returns long term.

I suggest not spending anymore money at all in it. If you want a new amp then sell one of your current ones. At least that’s how I look at it.
Guys have gas for 2 reasons in my opinion:

tone chasing and collecting.

I'm in the tone chasing camp myself and am starting to realise i'm looking for a unicorn... the perfect do all amp doesn't exist.
For high gain i've settled on my Diezel Herbert mk1 and Recto Rev F... there's no reason I shouldn't be able to make those work for any situation really.

I also have a JMP2203 which I can boost of course and also use for more crunch/classic tones.
It’s only stuff and you only live once. No you can’t take it with you but don’t beat yourself up on a hobby that brings you joy. Just remember to actually use the gear for what it’s intended and don’t turn into a collector of gear for investment liquidation for retirement which is a completely different hobby than creating music with it. I’d also argue that isn’t a good idea in this economy and is likely to have worse returns long term.

I suggest not spending anymore money at all in it. If you want a new amp then sell one of your current ones. At least that’s how I look at it.

Sound advice!

One of the first ways I realised I was experienced the same gear acquisition syndrome that I had some years ago was that I was spending extraordinary amounts of time scouring gear sites looking for gear.

Could be anything, that’s kind of how I tricked myself into sealing a deal for a new drum module. And the seller had a snare as well, so into the basket it went.

I didn’t need either of them and it never stops, so I know I have a problem.

I think that’s step one: recognising that I am frittering away time and money on things that I pretend to own, but in reality own me.
Guys have gas for 2 reasons in my opinion:

tone chasing and collecting.

I'm in the tone chasing camp myself and am starting to realise i'm looking for a unicorn... the perfect do all amp doesn't exist.
For high gain i've settled on my Diezel Herbert mk1 and Recto Rev F... there's no reason I shouldn't be able to make those work for any situation really.

I also have a JMP2203 which I can boost of course and also use for more crunch/classic tones.

I’ve been tone chasing for years now. I think that’s the problem. I’ve even got some good tones that I was happy with, and then I upset the apple cart by selling that piece of equipment to fund something else.

That’s the story of the triple rectifier I used to own. Awesome amp, and I traded it away with a Soldano Avenger for a Mayones. Which I then proceeded to sell to pay for an OD Guitars Venus, which I still have.

Fast forward to years later, and I think I’d have been happier with the Recto and the Soldano.

Just stupid crazy GAS, searching for something that I can’t quantify or describe. I’ve even bought the same gear multiple times only to sell it again.

In all the years I’ve been playing, I think I’ve only scored a couple of unicorns: my ESP RZK-II and my Mesa Boogie Quad/Rectifier Stereo combination.

Nobody should get me wrong: if I won the lottery or was able to buy a bigger house here in Singapore, I would get back to tone chasing and gear hoarding.

But at the current juncture, it’s just plain dumb of me to keep acquiring more stuff.