GASaholics anonymous

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Sound advice!

One of the first ways I realised I was experienced the same gear acquisition syndrome that I had some years ago was that I was spending extraordinary amounts of time scouring gear sites looking for gear.

Could be anything, that’s kind of how I tricked myself into sealing a deal for a new drum module. And the seller had a snare as well, so into the basket it went.

I didn’t need either of them and it never stops, so I know I have a problem.

I think that’s step one: recognising that I am frittering away time and money on things that I pretend to own, but in reality own me.
Yeah. I used to get drunk and buy myself "presents"

I would get it and have forgotten i ordered. It was a fun time. But i realized I could always talk myself into needing something. Plus, if you find the right amp/guitar/cab, then you just get to play without looking at every new thing coming down the pipeline.

I see badass guitars sometimes and almost buy. Then i just play mine and i realize none could fit me better. Luckily, i have friends that buy the coolest new amps, so i can go play and see if it is going to replace the MGL. But so far, i havent played an amp that works better for me.

I definitely dont want to split time between amps, so I am a one amp at a time type guy. Same with electric guitar
Thanks for weighing in with a meme.

I don't get it, you don't have anything to say because you can't be bothered to read, yet you feel like you have something to contribute.

Perhaps I should say the same thing about you when you post those two-minute clips that sound like you just want to win a contest on thegearforum, but the music doesn't go anywhere or really demonstrate anything other than some guy who will win a contest through sheer shitposting.

Except my post would be cutting, and yours just sounds like someone with ADD.

Happy to carry on the discussion further, if you can sink your teeth into that. Peace.
That's his thing. He's a kinda a "big deal" around here you know.
Thanks for weighing in with a meme.

I don't get it, you don't have anything to say because you can't be bothered to read, yet you feel like you have something to contribute.

Perhaps I should say the same thing about you when you post those two-minute clips that sound like you just want to win a contest on thegearforum, but the music doesn't go anywhere or really demonstrate anything other than some guy who will win a contest through sheer shitposting.

Except my post would be cutting, and yours just sounds like someone with ADD.

Happy to carry on the discussion further, if you can sink your teeth into that. Peace.
Nailed it (y)
That's his thing. He's a kinda a "big deal" around here you know.
Yeah having too much stuff sort of breeds anxiety in me. Fortunately, I don't feel I need a lot of sounds, so I won't fool myself into thinking I need a lot of amps or anything like that. And I keep screwing around with guitars, but ultimately have a couple of my favourites, and don't feel like I should buy others just to have voices I won't use.
Yeah having too much stuff sort of breeds anxiety in me. Fortunately, I don't feel I need a lot of sounds, so I won't fool myself into thinking I need a lot of amps or anything like that. And I keep screwing around with guitars, but ultimately have a couple of my favourites, and don't feel like I should buy others just to have voices I won't use.
Third world problem. To recap, limited space, limited money.

You have a Mark IIC+, right? Must be nice being rich and not having a care in the world lol.

lol well I’m certainly not rich, but staying single with no kids has allowed me to live that care free life and focus on important things like mic’ing amps for clips to be posted at rigtalk.

For real though, and i think about this all the time as i too have wayyy to much shit.. if your bills are paid, the wife dosent get too pissed and it brings you joy, is there really a problem?? making music is what i enjoy. ive been collecting amps for 25 years, ive spent the last 10 or so building my studio and learning to record, im not gonna be stressed about having too much gear now and start selling off, im gonna enjoy creating and recording now. unlike vacations, expensive meals, or substances that go up your nose and out your ass i see my friends dropping tons of money on, music gear you can enjoy and then sell again for usually equal and in most cases more than what you paid for it, so to me its kind of "responsible" spending.
I know this is the least important part of this, but defenestrate means to throw out a window lol
Yeah having too much stuff sort of breeds anxiety in me. Fortunately, I don't feel I need a lot of sounds, so I won't fool myself into thinking I need a lot of amps or anything like that. And I keep screwing around with guitars, but ultimately have a couple of my favourites, and don't feel like I should buy others just to have voices I won't use.

yeah see im the total opposite, gear inspires me and i would get bored with just one rig, usually every day i pick a different guitar, amp, boost and speaker and just see what happens, its the noodling trying different setups where 95% of my riffs come from.
yeah see im the total opposite, gear inspires me and i would get bored with just one rig, usually every day i pick a different guitar, amp, boost and speaker and just see what happens, its the noodling trying different setups where 95% of my riffs come from.

Ah yeah, I’ve always been the same way.

When I started out playing in 2000, all I could afford was a Zoom 505II, a Stranger 20-watt combo and a Gibtone Stratocaster clone. I didn’t even get to play a tube amp till I was 34 years old.

And since then, I’ve been bitten by the bug. Tried out tonnes of gear, and I always feel like a kid with a new toy when something crosses the threshold of my house.

Perhaps my priorities have shifted though. I’m now in my early 40s, maybe another 20 years to go till retirement. I’m married too, and that’s a huge responsibility.

Perhaps most importantly, I’ve reconciled myself to the fact that I never really had a shot at making it as a musician, and it’s probably a good thing too, seeing how the industry has changed. I think being realistic is important, as is keeping your feet on the ground.

At some stage, I even thought I could do gear demos and make some money. Sadly, my skills were lacklustre and I anyway could not keep up with guys who had gear being shipped to them by amp manufacturers to review for free.

Not to brag, but I have some really nice stuff too. Stuff I could never imagine owning when I picked up guitar at 20.

Life has been kind, but I don’t want to put myself in a position where I am hard-pressed to feed my family or even retain my gear should bad times come.

Hence the thread for civil discussion, lest anyone else be ADIDAG (All Day I Dream About Gear) lol
I went through many years of buying and hoarding gear

Eventually decided it was pointless for me. None of it makes me play or sound any better

I do get the idea of collecting for collecting's sake (assuming you have the cash and space to do so without causing issues)

I guess what I'm trying to say is do what makes you happy kimg - we're all different and have different core values