Hollywood":47um8jbv said:You know at first I started to freak out. but the fact is These amps sound killer. I actually may just have a bad set of tubes. I do not agree with this fuse situation one bit. But that withstanding, I can say the work inside of this amp is neat as hell.
I just have bad fucking luck. no doubt. I am understandably fucking pissed about this luck on top of the fact that I am long over due another amp I am waiting on.
This plus the fact that ibet my azz if I want another built from the bench up, I will have an even longer wait and that REALLY MAKES ME HOT. All this lends itself to put me into the I AM SCREWED COOKING POT.![]()
But all this said I still will say this, taking a breath and slowing down my heart rate, these amps sound fucking incredible and I have to think the whole picture here is a great amp/ product. I just had to get one that was gonna shit out on me.
But I got a Splawn Nitro brand new that did the same fucking thing, so you gotta know I am already weary when it comes to problems with new gear. I am really fucking tired of this kinda thing happening to me. PERIOD!
the amp I have coming to me Paul, I was told are brother and sister and were built identical at the same time. So if you have been playing yours, then maybe I will get one with no bad MOJO ......![]()
Think about the time you have put on your amp Paul ?
If you made it past 4 to 5 hours, then you should be in the clear..![]()
As far as the fuse, my background is chemical engineering, not Electrical, but for all practical purposes, I think he is looking to just supply a fuse that will blow in the event of a surge. 4-8A either or, in a surge or in the event of a short the amp will be subjected to a theoretical infinite current. The amp as it sits can handle up to 8A as Rick would not load a fuse in there that would grenade an amp in such a scenario.
Tubes, tubes, tubes, f'n tubes. They are like light bulbs and fuses. They get hot, have glass, and have filaments.... They wear overtime, and also have a chance to fail in low usage level situations. All amps that are purchased new are covered as far as tube/tranny warranties. Service will follow purchase if there are any issues. No worries here. All you bastards have my cell anyways if there is an issue. I am around till 1-2AM most nights and most of you sons of bitches love to talk then! We're here in the event of tube/fuse failures. We'll get it taken care of.
Also if there are any other issues such as tube/fuse, I really hate for them to be aired out here, as it is a tube/fuse fault vs an amplifier fault. I hate to have bad juju surrounding such a fantastic amplifier. We wouldn't wanna scare anybody off. Its a very common occurrence out of the hands of QC. This is where warranty comes in and the service of whomever you purchased from.
Alright my ass needs to go to bed!
Call/email anytime fellas