Well-known member
I don't think it's THAT bad. I mean, people buy the EBMM Albert Lee after all.
$1,999.99 at SweetwaterI have one question...how much for that pos?
Zoot Suit SG > Firebird X > Theodore > Holy V / Holy Explorer > reverse flying VSo let's make a decision here. This guitar or the Firebird X?
Le'ts see a show of hands.....
Zoot Suit SG > Firebird X > Theodore > Holy V / Holy Explorer > reverse flying V
I just got over my nightmares from seeing a Firebird X years ago.....So let's make a decision here. This guitar or the Firebird X?
Le'ts see a show of hands.....
So let's make a decision here. This guitar or the Firebird X?
Le'ts see a show of hands.....
Fuck the Firebird X. Did you see what the new owners did to the remaining stock of those things when they took over?
I don't think it's THAT bad. I mean, people buy the EBMM Albert Lee after all.
I just got over my nightmares from seeing a Firebird X years ago.....
I still want to find the guy that designs that and hit him with a plank of mahogany