Giving Up After All These Years?

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That is rad you are a better player than you ever dreamed! That is something no one can ever take away from you! I have a hunch inspiration will strike again when you least expect it.
I did it backwards....I got into GIT in 85’ and lasted a whole 2 weeks in LA before saying fuck this ?. Ended up going back home, back to school and started teaching full time at a local store...teaching gig lasted almost 10 years. Made a couple of half assed attempts at getting bands together but music became work and I didn’t want to deal with the people factor. I was making great money, going on regular surf trips. It wasnt until later I got bit by the gear bug, and much later before a gigging band became a mission. I’m still busy playing regularly between two bands. Funny though, the busier I get gigging, the more I realize how much stuff I really DON‘T need. I’ve never considered stopping playing ever,

I‘ll share my Aha Moment re playing live though...way back when one of my best friends growing up had a much younger Little brother who was basically in diapers when we were all 12 yrs old or so. When I moved back to Hawaii his Mom hit me up about teaching little brother to play guitar, said sure send him over. Kid was on our doorstep every single fricking day, I was living with my old local guitar hero from back kid days. I was in full Vai / Malmsteen / Satriani mode but the kid was really only into Hendrix style chord rhythm stuff.

Flash forward and little brother is in full rockstar mode. Could never have predicted that Jack Johnson would do what he did. His music puts me to sleep but damn he touched a nerve. He‘s taken lots of us along for the ride. My aha moment came when he took me up on stage when he was opening for Ben Harper. Harper was 20 seconds from starting, Jack walked me over to the side of the drum riser and said ”watch this...” I got to see and hear the stage view of 25k people losing it, the sound of the entire band firing up, it was intoxicating. So right there right then I knew fuck yeah I want to do this. Sometimes it’s 250 people, few times it’s 2500, sometimes it’s 25 people. No matter, I’m still having a blast, no intention of quitting.
Been there a few times over the years.. usually after a band breakup. Sold nearly all my stuff in the mid 90's... got back into it in the early 2000's.
Currently more of a collector and noodler rather than a serious player... kind of lost the fire so to speak. Currently at a low & considering selling the majority of my stuff. Two things keeping that from happening - 1,) hard to decide what goes 2.) it's a huge PITA to sell anywhere (forums, marketplace, craigslist, plus reverb & ebay kill you with fees).

I plan on stepping back & reassessing at some point - but I'd tell you - hang tight, take a break if you need to.
The worst it’s gotten so far was the year following my divorce, I had a nasty case of writer’s block that got to the point I questioned if I’d ever have it in me to write music again. I’d come up with riffs all day long but the motivation to sit in my studio and work them into songs just wasn’t there. Funnily enough, the day after the anniversary of my divorce, I sat down and busted out an entire song in about an hour and a half and it hasn’t really let up since.

And even in that year, I still loved playing; I just love the physical feeling of the strings under my fingers, or hearing certain tones come from certain guitars. Those two things are enough to keep me going for the rest of my life, but I really need to be motivated to put the kind of attention/care into writing as I do when I write. I’ve got zero desire to make a name for myself based off that music, I just love writing and after 25+ years of playing in bands, find I get a fuck a lot more done, faster, on my own. And don’t have to deal with some asshat who HAS to throw a solo in a song that doesn’t really need a solo or a drummer who makes most meth heads look sane.
I've been playing for like 26 years at this point but within the last two years I'd be surprised if I've even played 10 hours total

Still have all my gear; just hoping I'll get back in to it at some point
I started playing when I was around 12… about 1977.

Did the 80s thing and was successful at it.

One day I woke up and realized that I was on a trajectory that would kill me young. Partying, loads of coke, acid, weed, liquor and lots of it. I went that day and started the process of joining the military.

3 months later I was gone. I did not touch a guitar again for over 15 years.

During that time I got married, had two sons.

When my oldest was going into middle school he wanted to go to a performing arts magnet for guitar. I would help him out, but still did not want to play.

My youngest followed him into the guitar program at the same school.

My boys kept trying to get me to play again and I had no desire.

When my oldest was in high school he had a job, mowed lawns, and did other work around the neighborhood to earn money. He saved up and bought me a USA Jackson Dinky for Christmas.

That got me playing. I wasn’t serious though and would still go long periods without touching the guitar.

A couple years later my oldest was out on his own. He came over to visit on my birthday and detailed the guitar.

At that point it struck something and I found I wanted to play again. Not to join a band. Not to make money. Just to enjoy playing. I had no “reason” to play other than a simple desire to do so.

I regained all the ground I had lost over the decades quickly. I am a better player today than I was back then. My boys and I will sit around on holidays playing together.

I don’t record now. I write song for fun and enjoyment. But I regularly find I want to pick up the guitar… just because.

Maybe you walk away forever. Maybe you come back to the guitar later in life. If you don’t enjoy playing, don’t. If you enjoy playing it can be magic.
I did it backwards....I got into GIT in 85’ and lasted a whole 2 weeks in LA before saying fuck this ?. Ended up going back home, back to school and started teaching full time at a local store...teaching gig lasted almost 10 years. Made a couple of half assed attempts at getting bands together but music became work and I didn’t want to deal with the people factor. I was making great money, going on regular surf trips. It wasnt until later I got bit by the gear bug, and much later before a gigging band became a mission. I’m still busy playing regularly between two bands. Funny though, the busier I get gigging, the more I realize how much stuff I really DON‘T need. I’ve never considered stopping playing ever,

I‘ll share my Aha Moment re playing live though...way back when one of my best friends growing up had a much younger Little brother who was basically in diapers when we were all 12 yrs old or so. When I moved back to Hawaii his Mom hit me up about teaching little brother to play guitar, said sure send him over. Kid was on our doorstep every single fricking day, I was living with my old local guitar hero from back kid days. I was in full Vai / Malmsteen / Satriani mode but the kid was really only into Hendrix style chord rhythm stuff.

Flash forward and little brother is in full rockstar mode. Could never have predicted that Jack Johnson would do what he did. His music puts me to sleep but damn he touched a nerve. He‘s taken lots of us along for the ride. My aha moment came when he took me up on stage when he was opening for Ben Harper. Harper was 20 seconds from starting, Jack walked me over to the side of the drum riser and said ”watch this...” I got to see and hear the stage view of 25k people losing it, the sound of the entire band firing up, it was intoxicating. So right there right then I knew fuck yeah I want to do this. Sometimes it’s 250 people, few times it’s 2500, sometimes it’s 25 people. No matter, I’m still having a blast, no intention of quitting.
braddah has a sweet beachfront crib near Rockys with a nice studio. my friend was house sitting for the Benji Brant fam a few doors over 2yrs ago. what a spot!

about the topic-
i love playing my guitar and working on my tone chasing rigs when the waves aren’t firing.
Reading this thread gives me some comfort knowing that I'm not the only one that's in the same place playing wise. I haven't gigged since 97 and lately have been contemplating hanging it up. I have no desire to learn songs right now so I'm kind of just going through the motions and that's a pretty big rut. I would like to find a band and maybe play a few times a month but it just seems like a pain in the ass these days. Guitar and music has been the only constant in my life. I think that's what keeps me from selling everything.
braddah has a sweet beachfront crib near Rockys with a nice studio. my friend was house sitting for the Benji Brant fam a few doors over 2yrs ago. what a spot!

about the topic-
i love playing my guitar and working on my tone chasing rigs when the waves aren’t firing.
I grew up 6 houses up the beach from where his house is....our house was / is the main Rocky lefts lineup :cool: His Brother lives right next door to him now, Mom them are on the beach at Pipe.....rough life hahahaha
I grew up 6 houses up the beach from where his house is....our house was / is the main Rocky lefts lineup :cool: His Brother lives right next door to him now, Mom them are on the beach at Pipe.....rough life hahahaha
wow. the dream! so stoked!
btw, seen the "pipe masters" today...pfffff. brah eric johnson could have paddled out and won today:hys: