? Glenn Fricker - the wise hobo of youtube or a gear hack? YOU decide! ?

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Glenn Fucking Fricker I feel...

  • Hes amazing. I love him many time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I refuse to get yelled at by grandma.

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • He knows everything but doesn't know shit.

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • Liked him at first, but now he's insane.

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • Did he say he was a legit producer??

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • His advice is the reason I am a man today.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • I'd hang out with him, but his videos BLOW.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • I love his content, it's right up my alley!!

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • I woul hang out with him, with no girls around.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • I wanna sniff his studio chair til the end of days.

    Votes: 2 5.9%

  • Total voters
should have been one more option..."not as annoying as beato"
At least Beato throws out a cool lick or two I can use. Fricker on the other hand..... I can't think of any information he has given me that has been useful. Unless it is what NOT to think and do. That is a very useful lesson. Actually, I may have already learned a lot more from Glen in that case.
I think he often makes valid points that just as often get lost in his insufferableness.

I don’t blame the guy for wanting to get clicks though.

Also he most definitely smells the way he looks
At least Beato throws out a cool lick or two I can use. Fricker on the other hand..... I can't think of any information he has given me that has been useful. Unless it is what NOT to think and do. That is a very useful lesson. Actually, I may have already learned a lot more from Glen in that case.

i hate beato...his dumb fucking face, the condescension oozing out of his mouth....god i'd punch square through it if i had the chance...like no teeth left. hate that prick...i dont care how talented he is.

but thats just me, hahahaha ymmv :ROFLMAO:
i hate beato...his dumb fucking face, the condescension oozing out of his mouth....god i'd punch square through it if i had the chance...like no teeth left. hate that prick...i dont care how talented he is.

but thats just me, hahahaha ymmv :ROFLMAO:

Dude just makes me think of a musical Jeffrey Epstein. The one who Hillary had suicided. Something about him....Rick Epstein. ?
I used to like his videos for the over dramatic comment readings, and I still would like them. But his orgasm clickbait face has prevented me from clicking on any vids of his for at least 4 years now.
But his orgasm clickbait face has prevented me from clicking on any vids of his for at least 4 years now.
Yeah, around the time he started following clickbait trends is when I stopped tuning in as often. Now that I use a clickbait blocker the thumbnails are palatable again, but his clickbait video titles make it hard to figure out what exactly is going on and whether it's worth watching or not. Some interesting stuff has been hidden behind off-putting clickbait titles and I end up missing it because of that.

Overall I think he's made some good points and provided some useful info, not to mention gone through the trouble of comparing various things that I don't have the means to compare myself, but sometimes his conclusions aren't supported by his tests. E.g., comparing a small quantity of pickups and when they sound very similar stating that all pickups of that type (humbuckers) must sound similar, without addressing whether the pickups he compared form a good representative sample set or why the ones he compared sounded similar (e.g., how similar are their electrical specs?). Most of the time now I just watch specifically the sections of videos where he compares things, and then draw my own conclusions. Sometimes he doesn't provide enough info on his setup though (e.g., how he tuned two amps he's comparing) so it devalues the comparison.
E.g., comparing a small quantity of pickups and when they sound very similar stating that all pickups of that type (humbuckers) must sound similar, without addressing whether the pickups he compared form a good representative sample set or why the ones he compared sounded similar (e.g., how similar are their electrical specs?). Most of the time now I just watch specifically the sections of videos where he compares things, and then draw my own conclusions. Sometimes he doesn't provide enough info on his setup though (e.g., how he tuned two amps he's comparing) so it devalues the comparison.

Glenns opinions about literally anything concerning guitar gear are irrelevant because he fucking sucks dick at guitar.

Like, he literally can't do anything except for barely in meter, single finger drop-d riffs, without it sounding like the glass-break-cat-screech thing.

Anyone who's that much of a beginner doesn't get to have opinions on HoW ExPEnSivE GuItArS AnD AMpS aNd PicKuPs AreNT WoRTh iT

Plus his extreme TDS and publicly lying about Jan6 and Jon Schaffer on his huge social media platform mean he's an irresponsible flaming fuckwit who needs thrown in a wood chipper, along with his garbage IR pack that's sounds like all of his tones - a half baked, retarded cousin of In Flames' Clayman sound. He could have at least picked The Jester Race or Whoracle to base his entire fucking career off of, instead of the post sellout albums.
He's a troll motherfucker.. I don't agree with everything he says, but he made his own path.. Can't hate him for that.
Probably pretty cool to drink with..
Glenns opinions about literally anything concerning guitar gear are irrelevant because he fucking sucks dick at guitar.

Like, he literally can't do anything except for barely in meter, single finger drop-d riffs, without it sounding like the glass-break-cat-screech thing.

Anyone who's that much of a beginner doesn't get to have opinions on HoW ExPEnSivE GuItArS AnD AMpS aNd PicKuPs AreNT WoRTh iT
I'd add the nuance that it's entirely possible for a guitar noob to have solid, evidence-back opinions on the physics of guitars and how they sound, including how much change in sound you get for your buck, so even if he is horrible at guitar he can still hold valid opinions on objective things like that. The subjective stuff you mention like whether a particular piece of gear is worth it (assuming a definition of worth that goes beyond just tone change/$), however, is something I agree a noob likely has no idea of.

publicly lying about Jan6 and Jon Schaffer on his huge social media platform
I must've missed that, maybe it was buried in the clickbait stuff I skip. What'd he say? I've seen him make fun of Jon but that's it so far.
i hate beato...his dumb fucking face, the condescension oozing out of his mouth....god i'd punch square through it if i had the chance...like no teeth left. hate that prick...i dont care how talented he is.

but thats just me, hahahaha ymmv :ROFLMAO:
To be fair, I have only seen some shorts of his that are only focused on riffs. Have never watched any of his actual content.
I'd add the nuance that it's entirely possible for a guitar noob to have solid, evidence-back opinions on the physics of guitars and how they sound, including how much change in sound you get for your buck, so even if he is horrible at guitar he can still hold valid opinions on objective things like that.

Yes, he's able to have evidence-based opinions, the same as a layperson who doesn't play guitar.

What i'm saying is his experience with gear is what doesn't matter.

I must've missed that, maybe it was buried in the clickbait stuff I skip. What'd he say? I've seen him make fun of Jon but that's it so far.

He had an entire january 6th freakout and likened it to an attempted coup; conveniently forgetting the pussyhats that did the exact same thing about Kavanaugh, and conveniently never said shit about the major chimp-out that burned half of milwaukee to the ground - "mostly peaceful," indeed.

He, on the record, did the whole "asking people to disavow" 1984 bullshit specifically about jon's involvement with a bunch of other musicians - basically forcing them to cowtow to the DNC party line. which means Glenn is a fucking prick AND a political hack.
@7704A what i'm getting at is that Glenn publically calling for Witherfall, Hansi from BG, Volbeat, and all of Jon's personal friends to throw him under the bus and renounce their friendship with him OR ELSE be tarred and feathered as an InSuRrECtIoNiSt is one of the lowest, most disgusting things i've seen a "gear" youtuber do
Not sure what value he adds. I think there's a bit of want there, internally.
Yes, he's able to have evidence-based opinions, the same as a layperson who doesn't play guitar.

What i'm saying is his experience with gear is what doesn't matter.
Got it. Your original statement was a bit stronger, which is why I commented.

He had an entire january 6th freakout and likened it to an attempted coup
Ah, I think I remember comments along those lines, but a while after Jan 6th so I don't think it's part of the freakout you mentioned.
@7704A what i'm getting at is that Glenn publically calling for Witherfall, Hansi from BG, Volbeat, and all of Jon's personal friends to throw him under the bus and renounce their friendship with him OR ELSE be tarred and feathered as an InSuRrECtIoNiSt is one of the lowest, most disgusting things i've seen a "gear" youtuber do
Yowza, yeah I missed that.
I dig TruckDriverShawn. Glenn may be irritating with the shouting, but he definitely knows how to run a studio. I have spent a fair amount of time in a couple of real studios in the 80s and his advice is often very solid.
Glen ruins all his info with his yelling . I mean WHAT THE FUCK
I actually had a look to see if I could add more options to the OP's poll 'cause this is an appropriate one IMHO. :LOL:

No such luck. Maybe the OP could add it if he feels that way inclined. :dunno:

I went back to add it when it was originally brought up (because people's champ does what the fans want) but it wouldn't let me add or subtract any options. Beato didn't kıll himself tho. 100%
