Got the new Atomic Amplifire...

  • Thread starter Thread starter jski59
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Really impressed so far!

Just unboxed it yesterday and have been playing with the boosted plexi and 800 models and it sounds great and is fun to play.

I'm running it through a CLR wedge I picked up awhile ago, that until this point I've been pretty meh on (but just using it as a standard wedge with my band)...I spent some time yesterday adjusting the gain staging and dialing in some eq tips found on TGP for the Amplifire and it's really sounding great. Very full and clear sounding. Holding notes into feedback while standing if front of the wedge is effortless.

I need to play with the mids eq to warm it up a bit to my taste, but playing VH was a blast...playing Unchained, it really has that plexi "about to explode" feel that I love.

I'm anxious to try it with the band. I only use a couple sounds a night, so the minimalist form factor is perfect for me. I had an Axe standard years ago and still play with S-gear on my laptop and so far I think the Amplifire is equal if not better, but I'm hardly a modeling expert.

The mac editor works fine. I'm anxious to try some different IR's as I've never experimented with those. Between the IR's and all the built in EQ's, I would think you could eventually dial in what you need.

Probably the only wish I had at this point would be some sort of USB audio functionality (which I don't think it has). I would love to be able to pipe in music and play along with headphones without using an interface, but that's nit picky and not really why I bought it.

Great job Atomic!
For the price that this box is, it is definitely something to consider. Thx for the post!
Was thinking about getting one just to keep in my gig back for am emergency backup amp to just plug and play direct.
How the duck do you buy it?
The website purchase is a joke
I got on the waiting list .
I agree its a joke !!!
Yeah, I had signed up for the waiting list ages be honest, I had forgotten about it until I got the purchase email.

Luckily I had just sold a guitar and had some play money in the gear fund.
how are you finding the rhythm high gain tones?
from some of the clips I heard I wasn't too impressed...sounded thin, but that might have been the recording job.
saw quite a few selling used recently and wondered about that...
I've never been a big fan of all in 1 units but this looks like a great utility pedal to with my rig to add a few options while replacing a few pedals. Would you compare the effects (reverb, delay, mod) quality to a Eventide or Strymon products?
jski59, any updates on using it with the CLR? I just picked up a new CLR powered wedge a couple of days ago and have the Amplifire as well as an Eleven Rack that I really want to get up & running this weekend.
