Got to spend more time with the Sig X tonight. Guys this thing can cover a wide range of feel and tone. I mainly stayed on the rhythm channel and turned the knobs and switches to all kinds of extremes. I was getting cool and different tones from fat and round bluesy, scooped and chunky, classic crunch, nice 80's tones, modern tones, and leads just on this one channel. Switching the thing to 40 watts softened the feel but wasnt flubby and was more classic. Switch it to 100 and you open up more headroom and add a nice top end and grind. That said you can still keep it in the 40 watt mode and use the eq and presence to dial back in some top end and you have nice new tone. The "wood" mode here adds that Marshall quack and gets nice and round when you turn up the mids on the eq. Flip it to scoop turn down the mids, put it on "burn" mode, up the gainII switch it to "more" and you have a good metal tone IMHO. However with scoop on you can still really turn up the mid knob and its got some of that Marshallness back but not as prominant. Man this thing is crazy with versatility.
All that said.... did all these options make it sound like a mesa, or make it sound like a Bogner, or make it sound like a classic Marshall, or make it sound like a Fender, or a dumble, or a Vox? NOPE but it does alow alot of TONAL VARIATION OF A GREAT BASE TONE. Im serious this amp sounds and feels really really nice. Im liking it more tonight than I did last night. It gets better and better the more I learn what it can do. Im still not going to the OMG this is the end all be all but night number 2 was alot of fun and I was impressed when I wasnt really sure I would be. Cant wait to get to do the same experiments with the lead and clean.
The true test will come when it gets in a live band situation and Im thinking it will be just fine but we will see.