Grandkid and a possible Covid side effect?

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Yup, it is "strange" brother.

Nevertheless, the nutrients I mentioned will encourage hair growth, so figured it'd be worth a mention.
@Monkey Man @Mark Skid

Did you click on the PubMed link?

Google Covid and Hair Loss and there's lots of hits from major medical sites.
It's a known side effect.
Ahh... thanks man.

My "advice" still applies regardless of the cause, which is why I gave it. :thumbsup:
To be clear, they're not saying the virus is causing the hair loss but the stress the virus puts your body through.

Found this pretty eye opening article. Much more widespread than I'd known and I'm surprised it took it
hitting home to first hear about it.
I've experienced illness much worse than coronavirus. Has anyone else here lost hair as a result of contracting a cold?
... or 'flu or pneumonia?

Bird 'flu? Swine 'flu? SARS?

What happened during the Spanish 'flu, I wonder. Do we have any useful documentation around this from back then?

I've always believed that it was a sudden increase in toxic load that causes shedding, such as those "Russian" radiation poisonings and chemo.
To be clear, they're not saying the virus is causing the hair loss but the stress the virus puts your body through.

Found this pretty eye opening article. Much more widespread than I'd known and I'm surprised it took it
hitting home to first hear about it.
it's probably from the stress of the fear that "scientists", Politicians and the Media/social Media have been spewing for 2 years ... kids with moronic parents are fucking terrified they will die from covid despite the fact the death rate in under 20's in less than 0.0001% .. Good parents show their kids the truth
My aunt told me today (the ol' Christmas 'phone call) that a young kid she knows refused to go to McDonalds with her family last weekend for fear of catching the deadly virus. She's around 7 or 8 years old I believe.

Apparently she sits glued to the television all day and swallows the pill holus-bolus. Great parenting. :dunno:
Some of you fucks just can't give it a rest, huh?
it's probably from the stress of the fear that "scientists", Politicians and the Media/social Media have been spewing for 2 years ... kids with moronic parents are fucking terrified they will die from covid despite the fact the death rate in under 20's in less than 0.0001% .. Good parents show their kids the truth
Fact: Coronavirus is a cold virus.
Do the math, Donnie... You will discover the truth.

What on earth are you talking about.
Kid started losing hair. Doctors are looking into it and stress from the Covid virus is a key suspect.

End of story.
You guys are trying to make something out of nothing here.
Do the math, Donnie... You will discover the truth.

My wife has been dealing with lots of mental health issues at her work, Which have escalated tenfold since the so-called (blood clot shots) ‘vaccines’.
People are going insane with side effects from these clot shots. The main one and the highest percentage for men is chest pain and high blood pressure accompanied with headaches behind the eyes, A good percentage of the men who have had the shots are now having to go on high blood pressure medication,
also with men, many are experiencing painful inflammation in the testicles…

Now, interestingly, What is becoming very common is, say the parents have gotten the crap shots, (but the kids haven’t), the kids are actually showing insane side effects like , For female kids, bleeding from genitalia, way before the age of having menstruation, male kids are feeling lots of chest pain and heart palpitations along with dizziness…
Only one employee has experienced loss of hair for her son who was unvaccinated, but the mother and father both took the clot shots.
80% of employees who have taken the shots are feeling an intense increase in anxiety, 60% are experiencing paranoia…
And, of course, she’s not hearing many many others who just keep things to themselves…
Think about it, how many men are going to come to a woman psychologist and tell her they are stressed out because their balls are swollen and they’re pissing blood…