Grandkid and a possible Covid side effect?

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My wife has been dealing with lots of mental health issues at her work, Which have escalated tenfold since the so-called (blood clot shots) ‘vaccines’.
People are going insane with side effects from these clot shots. The main one and the highest percentage for men is chest pain and high blood pressure accompanied with headaches behind the eyes, A good percentage of the men who have had the shots are now having to go on high blood pressure medication,
also with men, many are experiencing painful inflammation in the testicles…
It would appear that the general public are test subjects for mRNA. Except for bleeding and ball swelling, these symptoms are typical of stress.

One of the problems with quitting drinking after years of abuse, is that you're left with an inability to deal with stress. This is due to damage to the sheathing around the nerves. The above symptoms (and worse) are common. B Complex vitamin injections are needed to help repair the nervous system. Maybe that's something to look into, I don't know?
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Side effects being attributed to Covid vaccines - all noted at a single work location

- chest pains
- increased blood pressure
- cluster headaches
- testicle discomfort
- premature vaginal bleeding
- heart palpitations
- dizziness
- hair loss
- increased anxiety
- paranoia
- hematuria

And reported here by an EXTREME Covid denier.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

(this is me using my critical thinking and coming to the conclusion that Keith is mostly full of shit)
Side effects being attributed to Covid vaccines - all noted at a single work location

- chest pains
- increased blood pressure
- cluster headaches
- testicle discomfort
- premature vaginal bleeding
- heart palpitations
- dizziness
- hair loss
- increased anxiety
- paranoia
- hematuria

And reported here by an EXTREME Covid denier.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

(this is me using my critical thinking and coming to the conclusion that Keith is mostly full of shit)
Again, most of the above symptoms are typical with stress.
Again, most of the above symptoms are typical with stress.

Except for the little girls menstruating premature and blood in people's urine.

It's well known that stress levels are off the charts with lots of people - mostly due to having to live
with a pandemic for 2 years now.

- variants making it seem like it'll never go away.
- parents having to satellite teach.
- mask and vaccine mandates
- kids stuck in the middle of parents feuding with schools.

on and on and on.

I don't see the connection between the reality of all that and then the vaccine BS that Keith spouts.
Except for the little girls menstruating premature and blood in people's urine.

It's well known that stress levels are off the charts with lots of people - mostly due to having to live
with a pandemic for 2 years now.

- variants making it seem like it'll never go away.
- parents having to satellite teach.
- mask and vaccine mandates
- kids stuck in the middle of parents feuding with schools.

on and on and on.

I don't see the connection between the reality of all that and then the vaccine BS that Keith spouts.
There's propaganda-o-plenty coming from both sides. That's how this sort of operation works.
My wife has been dealing with lots of mental health issues at her work, Which have escalated tenfold since the so-called (blood clot shots) ‘vaccines’.
People are going insane with side effects from these clot shots. The main one and the highest percentage for men is chest pain and high blood pressure accompanied with headaches behind the eyes, A good percentage of the men who have had the shots are now having to go on high blood pressure medication,
also with men, many are experiencing painful inflammation in the testicles…

Now, interestingly, What is becoming very common is, say the parents have gotten the crap shots, (but the kids haven’t), the kids are actually showing insane side effects like , For female kids, bleeding from genitalia, way before the age of having menstruation, male kids are feeling lots of chest pain and heart palpitations along with dizziness…
Only one employee has experienced loss of hair for her son who was unvaccinated, but the mother and father both took the clot shots.
80% of employees who have taken the shots are feeling an intense increase in anxiety, 60% are experiencing paranoia…
And, of course, she’s not hearing many many others who just keep things to themselves…
Think about it, how many men are going to come to a woman psychologist and tell her they are stressed out because their balls are swollen and they’re pissing blood…
Science... but this doesn't fit the narrative, so it will be ignored. So fucked up.
It would appear that the general public are test subjects for mRNA.
Yeah, but the people that clear the poison that was injected are taking another jab. Sooner or later its got to cause a problem. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. My live long friend who is a doctor keeps saying "we need more time" understand the effects the jab will cause.
Science... but this doesn't fit the narrative, so it will be ignored. So fucked up.
Yes, apparently my wife is a liar.

It’s ironic, in my area, the Firemen, EMS, Doctors, Nurses and the Police are putting up the strongest protest against the vaccine mandates and ridiculous vaccine passports…
All The people that see exactly what’s going on from the clot shots first hand.
Sooner or later its got to cause a problem.

My aunt told me today (the ol' Christmas 'phone call) that a young kid she knows refused to go to McDonalds with her family last weekend for fear of catching the deadly virus. She's around 7 or 8 years old I believe.

Apparently she sits glued to the television all day and swallows the pill holus-bolus. Great parenting. :dunno:
My wife has been dealing with lots of mental health issues at her work, Which have escalated tenfold since the so-called (blood clot shots) ‘vaccines’.
People are going insane with side effects from these clot shots. The main one and the highest percentage for men is chest pain and high blood pressure accompanied with headaches behind the eyes, A good percentage of the men who have had the shots are now having to go on high blood pressure medication,
also with men, many are experiencing painful inflammation in the testicles…

Now, interestingly, What is becoming very common is, say the parents have gotten the crap shots, (but the kids haven’t), the kids are actually showing insane side effects like , For female kids, bleeding from genitalia, way before the age of having menstruation, male kids are feeling lots of chest pain and heart palpitations along with dizziness…
Only one employee has experienced loss of hair for her son who was unvaccinated, but the mother and father both took the clot shots.
80% of employees who have taken the shots are feeling an intense increase in anxiety, 60% are experiencing paranoia…
And, of course, she’s not hearing many many others who just keep things to themselves…
Think about it, how many men are going to come to a woman psychologist and tell her they are stressed out because their balls are swollen and they’re pissing blood…
Shedding. It’s a factor.