I'm realizing that 1x12's record really well.
My complete opposite experience, personally.
Maybe I haven't tried "the right" 1x12 for recording, but I've had the Vox V112NT, Orange PPC112, the Mesa Mini Recto cab, and now a Krank 1x12. I've even had different speakers in them (Celestion Greenback, Creamback, V30, Gold, G12-35XC, Eminence Legend), but I've had the same problem with all of them: lack of top and low-end extension (compared to a 4x12) which leaves a plastic-y boxy midrange voicing. I guess it depends on the style of music you're playing too. But for Metal, I didn't like the results.
I'd love to hear some samples proving me wrong, though. I mean, who likes to drag a 4x12 up or downstairs. I love how portable 1x12's are, and I'd love to find out one that's easy to carry but that mics up well too. Problem (for me) is most people who throw out recommendations have used them in the room but not recorded. Not to discount anyone's opinions, but all my 1x12's have sounded fine in the room, but they really fall apart once you throw a mic in front of them.