Ground Zero Recto Mod

  • Thread starter Thread starter FondledDuck
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I have before and after of the same amp. I’m not 100%, but I think the before is with iPhone and after is with an SM57. I hesitate to post it in anticipation of the, “…it’s not the same” comments.
Agree with the hesitation. I'd love to hear a double track close mic recording using a reamp of before / after the mod with everything set up the same, maybe even a couple edits with your different switch options.
Here is a quick demo I did with my Ground Zero modded Rev G Triple Rectifier. This is with the red channel in modern mode, effects loop is off. The 3-way bright switch is set to the middle "off" position. Straight in, no post processing aside from Flatline plugin for a quick "master".

I used my Les Paul Custom loaded with a Suhr Aldrich in the bridge, SM57 on a V30 loaded Friedman 4x12.

Sounds great man! I sent my Rev F to Jeremy last week. It's currently on its way back to Ohio. Should have it mid-week. ?
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