Americans, Canadians, Western Europeans, etc. are all too comfortable.
By the time the majority recognizes the reality of how bad the situation is, it will be too late to do anything about it.
When the Visigoths sacked Rome for the first time, the majority of Rome's population were surprised; as most were not ethnic Roman or from the Italian peninsula, most were too busy enjoying "panam et circenses" and not really paying attention to the state of their empire.
Same thing will happen here, when the illegal invaders rise up and take over parts of cities, when the economic collapse happens, etc., most Americans are going to be very surprised.
I'm in a good spot on my little island in the Atlantic; will take awhile, if ever, before the zombie hordes come here. If they do, well they better know how to swim, we have sharks and gators; and I enjoy long range shooting as one of my favorite hobbies. I also have my escape plan in the works, need more time to get it all in place.