Guitar Room Ideas

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We're finishing our basement and I am allotted a small space for my amps and guitars. :p For those of you who have practice spaces or guitar rooms, what are your suggestions for what to include? Are there some things you wish you but don't? Or some things you have that are indispensable?

Any ideas or pics are welcome. Thanks!
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Might be worth it to do some light soundproofing if budget and space allows for it. Only advice would be put as many outlets as you can possible fit in a room. Windows are nice but I’ve found they leak sound very well if your worried about neighbors.

No matter what moisture management is super important for any finished basement.
What he said: buy or build some sound panels and treat that room. Makes for better sound and also keeps the cops away. Also thick carpeting. An ISO booth if you have the room
Sound Panels ! Best thing I did.


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How much gear do you have, OP?

If you have a handful of amps or more, a heavy duty set of shelves from a hardware store is worth its weight in gold and then some.
Storage, and an amp switcher if you have more than a couple of amps. The recommendation above for shelves for amps is also a great one.
Keep all of your gear a few inches off the ground (those wire shelves are great for it) especially if you live in any type of flood zone.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I think I do need to invest in an amp switcher. What I'll put in the room gear wise is:

2 4X12 cabinets
2 Heads
1 Combo amp
A small 4 space rack
About 7 guitars
Pedal board
Various other nick knacks and spare pedals, cables, tubes, etc.
Just have to ask - why is the JMP where it is, and not where we all want it to be?
? caught me
I just brought the Marshall cab home 2 days before and am still figuring out where she fits.

It’s an old one with the vented 75’s, just killer.

I really only have a space big enough for 3 , they’re all great cabs … big issues I have.
If possible, get dedicated breakers for you room, with a light switch to turn them off. I did this in my room and i get more clean power with no interference.

Well worth it.

And an amp switcher!!!! That is crucial for multiple amps.
Don’t do what I did and fill it with dumb, nerdy Star Wars nicknacks and ratty old posters. My studio looks like my bedroom in junior high. I need to redo it for an adult when I get the ambition.
Don’t do what I did and fill it with dumb, nerdy Star Wars nicknacks and ratty old posters. My studio looks like my bedroom in junior high. I need to redo it for an adult when I get the ambition.
Not sure bout that!!! I have posters all over and it sure as hell gives inspiration!!!!!
Lots of great ideas in this thread. Keeping your gear off the floor if you have a basement, great advice. I even had my pedalboards on bricks. So many ways to have water in a basement, leaky water heater, busted pipe, rain water, etc.

I also have a cab for each of my amps, so I don't have an amp switcher, but do have a switching system (bunch of ABy boxes) for my amp inputs. Allows me to use my pedalboard into any amp I want to with just a few clips. On the ones with loops its a bit more tricky but doable.

I still have cinder block walls, so I did add some insulation, but I don't hang my guitars there. Also, monitor your humidity in the basement, you don't want it too high or too low for that matter, but too high is more the concern in a basement, though I have seen my basement under 40% RH in the dead of the winter.