Have You Guys Seen This?....Think I May Dig This Tone

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I like it . I like the nasty tones they get . There’s actually something I love about their tones even though don’t set my tones up like that
It's too Fizzy & sounds like a Cheap Distortion Pedal. Honestly this is the tone i hear from everyone that plays alone in their bedroom.
Those dudes haven’t used the same tone from one song to the next for the last decade, that’s a huge part of the reason I love ‘em so much. Live you get the stripped down versions and they’ve gotten so much cleaner over the years where you can actually hear what the guitars are doing.

Think I’m going to give his Mojotone pickups a shot in my Edwards LPC, I’m tired of the love/hate with the EMG’s.
The Dusty Waring Pickups are Better.
I mostly love my EMG 81s in the bridge position, but I get what you are saying. I'm always looking for a passive that has almost everything that the actives offer, but with a bit more organic feel and dynamics. Haven't found it yet.
The Closest i've gotten is the BKP Nail Bomb. or the Motor City Solution......I've since switched to Alnico Magnets in both for Extra Warmth.
on it's own it sounds .... not great to my ears. But before I judge it too harshly, i'd want to hear it in the context of a band mix. If i dial my rig in to sound good on its own, it disappears in the band mix. maybe this sound with the band works?