Mark Skid
Well-known member
Not as much traffic as a Cameron thread, but respectable.5 pages? For this thread?
Not as much traffic as a Cameron thread, but respectable.5 pages? For this thread?
I'm certainly no libtard snowflake, but I do share respect with those who respect me. A person can be helpful and even goof around, but when someone is an ignoramus insulting twat, that person gains no respect from me. Did you get that, as well?Typical "snowflake" reply. Got it!
Yeah, it was over the top.I'm certainly no libtard snowflake, but I do share respect with those who respect me. A person can be helpful and even goof around, but when someone is an ignoramus insulting twat, that person gains no respect from me. Did you get that, as well?
If you go through EVERY review I've done on this site, each one contains ORIGINAL material... full compositions. What is posted here is not a review, not a composition... a basic sound comparison test. No where was it indicated that I cannot compose, did not compose previously, etc., and so, I haven't a clue where you think you're coming from. Go to the pedal review section and you will see at least a dozen from myself (not sure how long I've been posting on here, but likely did 150 reviews).I have been harsh, but it's not out of malice. I've been trying to get you guys pissed-off enough to write original material. Who cares if it sounds bad? I sure don't. I used to frequent a club in Cleveland that routinely showcased original live music. You wouldn't think such a venue would attract much attention, but it did. The bands weren't always good, but the atmosphere was great. We have a perfect venue right here, but no one seems interested in posting original music. Then again, I suppose posting your compositions is a good way to have your music stolen. I wrote and recorded my first original back in 1984. We used a Tascam 8 track that belonged to the drummer I was working with. When I asked him for the tape so that I could make a master, he replied; "Yeah, man... I lost that tape." I wrote and recorded another original with a band I was standing-in with back in '95. The lead break in that song was one of my best, so I made sure to grab the tape, post session. I was partying at a friend's house later that week, and ended-up leaving the tape in the tape deck. When I called the next day, he claimed that the tape wasn't in the deck. My fault, I know. Much of what I do isn't written down, so I have to rely on audio documentation and memory. Sorry... I'm babbling.
My approach was poorly conceived and poorly executed... I am sorry about that. Rock-on, and enjoy!
I didn’t enjoy the demo and i don’t enjoy pretending to my friends. I suggest if you can’t take non personal critique, the internet is not for you. I’ve recently started making pickups and I’ve been told several times that some sets were no good, but I’m thankful for that rather than to keep making stuff that just doesn’t cut it.I'd rather complement you on enjoying life, enjoying playing music and supporting others. Focusing on the good and positive is far better than self-deprecation. Life is too short.
I think you’re missing the point. He’s trying to give a real world example where criticism is intended to help the person build up or get honest feedback. The person can then either build upon it or not. You are taking it personal.If you go through EVERY review I've done on this site, each one contains ORIGINAL material... full compositions. What is posted here is not a review, not a composition... a basic sound comparison test. No where was it indicated that I cannot compose, did not compose previously, etc., and so, I haven't a clue where you think you're coming from. Go to the pedal review section and you will see at least a dozen from myself (not sure how long I've been posting on here, but likely did 150 reviews).
Start from the beginning and read the comments. I don't care if someone doesn't like the demo... the entire thing started because a few found out (through myself) that I dialed back the guitar's volume slightly in order to clean up any saturation, etc. The comments then were about me doing that, which is HOW I DO IT. It's irrelevant if someone else doesn't want to do that... that's their prerogative. Who cares, right? Someone else can do the same sound comparison demo and have the guitar's volume up all the way, but the results will be the same. Add the HEAVY to a hi-gain amp and the tone becomes more intense (impossible with any drive or distortion otherwise). How you THEN dial into a tone, to make it cut through the mix, can vary. That's all.I didn’t enjoy the demo and i don’t enjoy pretending to my friends. I suggest if you can’t take non personal critique, the internet is not for you. I’ve recently started making pickups and I’ve have to be told several time that some sets were no good, but I’m thankful for that rather than to keep making stuff that just doesn’t cut it.
I didn't quote you directly, so I don't know where you're getting this from? I've got as good an ear as anyone else, so, if said that you suck as a player, you probably suck. If you can't handle honesty, too bad for you. Whining like a politician who just lost an election isn't going to win you any sympathy from the mob. I'm curious... Given my proclivity for not holding back and just saying what I think, would you say that I have a future in politics, or should I just stick to making bombastic remarks on the internet?If you go through EVERY review I've done on this site, each one contains ORIGINAL material... full compositions. What is posted here is not a review, not a composition... a basic sound comparison test. No where was it indicated that I cannot compose, did not compose previously, etc., and so, I haven't a clue where you think you're coming from. Go to the pedal review section and you will see at least a dozen from myself (not sure how long I've been posting on here, but likely did 150 reviews).
I don't care if someone doesn't like the demo...
And no better way than to insult. Got it!
Obviously not a location to have fun, try different things and support each other.
Since you don't get it... it's one thing not to comment... it's another to make suggestions... it's another to be a rude prick. I don't care if someone doesn't like it or not... I'm putting out information like anyone else, but I would NOT be a rude prick to someone who puts up a composition, instructional video, etc., as someone may find value in it, even if not myself.But…..
You don't have to quote me directly, as it is MY THREAD. Start your own thread and give advice on how people suck. I haven't heard any of your compositions to think if you sick, are mediocre or above average (obviously not a star player, or you wouldn't be on this site being rude). And never have you commented on all the reviews I've done with compositions, which should tell you I put together simple rock chords as a sound sampler, as this does not reflect actual compositions. I'll have to look into your playing... I'm looking forward to being impressed, if I can find the links. Maybe supply some.I didn't quote you directly, so I don't know where you're getting this from? I've got as good an ear as anyone else, so, if said that you suck as a player, you probably suck. If you can't handle honesty, too bad for you. Whining like a politician who just lost an election isn't going to win you any sympathy from the mob. I'm curious... Given my proclivity for not holding back and just saying what I think, would you say that I have a future in politics, or should I just stick to making bombastic remarks on the internet?
It's not about impressing anyone. I was referring to writing your own material, good, bad, whatever... If you review my comments, I stated as such. I have dozens of originals, but I won't post them, as I don't want my material stolen. I made that clear as well. I posted a portion of one original some time ago. If someone thinks it sucks, I don't care. It's mine, and that's all that matters.You don't have to quote me directly, as it is MY THREAD. Start your own thread and give advice on how people suck. I haven't heard any of your compositions to think if you sick, are mediocre or above average (obviously not a star player, or you wouldn't be on this site being rude). And never have you commented on all the reviews I've done with compositions, which should tell you I put together simple rock chords as a sound sampler, as this does not reflect actual compositions. I'll have to look into your playing... I'm looking forward to being impressed, if I can find the links. Maybe supply some.
Who was the rude prick?Since you don't get it... it's one thing not to comment... it's another to make suggestions... it's another to be a rude prick. I don't care if someone doesn't like it or not... I'm putting out information like anyone else, but I would NOT be a rude prick to someone who puts up a composition, instructional video, etc., as someone may find value in it, even if not myself.
Absolutely no one!Who was the rude prick?
That's exactly what I'm talking about! You post original material at your own peril.How can this be? Last I heard, this was a Goat/Stanz production.