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Great write-up. Do you think the MTL is a potential replacement for the VH4 in a 2-guitar band situation or are they just different animals? I've had trouble feeling like the VH4 fit in a 2 guitar mix in a band situation. Playing by myself I love it, but add a band, and I am having issues.Yes, I own all 4 of those amps (Wizard MTL, Naylor, Badlander, and Triple Rev F/C). They are all great, just different flavors. The Naylor would be my favorite of those 4 if I could only pick one. The MTL has the hardest punch and rock solid quality to the notes and very open and clear sounding, but a bit dry and hollow sounding in the mids. It doesn’t quite growl like a Marshall, more like a Hiwatt/Marshall hybrid. I’d recommend the amp mostly most rhythmical type stuff rather than lead or melodic single note stuff. Still a really awesome amp though and at volume it’s hard not be very impressed by it due to its its punch and way of moving air. The Naylor isn’t super far behind what the Wizard excels at, every bit as good clarity imo, but more warmth, growl, easier to play/nicer feel. It’s what the Friedman’s and Bogner’s should’ve been imo. Badlander will be the most modern sounding one, tightest one, most growl, also very nice feel, but not as organic or warm sounding as the other options. And those early Recto’s will have the most low mids, that wall of sound, very fat, but also with that looser recto sag
I will need to look at the Naylor. You like that amp for single not lead stuff? I imagine they are comparable to the MCII with the Wizard or am I wrong?
I will also check out the Badlander. Seems like a great amp at an affordable price!
What year early Recto would I be looking for?