Help me pick a new amp

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Well-known member
Current amps: Marshall DSL20HR w/ 1x12, Mesa Mark V 35 w/ 2x12, Supro Delta King 12 combo

  • At first it seems like the hole I want to fill is something Fender-y (ignoring the Supro, which is literally just a bedroom amp). If I get something Fender-y, I want it to have tremolo. I don't even know where to start with Fenders, let alone other builders. A footswitch to control tremolo and reverb would be cool.
    • Everything in me believes that the above description is a combo, but I really don't know the options.
  • Pedal Platform: I've read that the Suhr Bella is great at this. What else?
    • What would be a good cabinet to pair it with?
  • I play all sorts of music, but the amp doesn't have to be a catch-all. I feel like the Mesa and Marshall can handle any gain situation I toss at it, but the Marshall is almost always doing the Marshall crunch and the Mesa can do amazing cleans, but I want something even cleaner. Like Mr Clean's head clean.
  • Do I want a combo or a head?
    • I'm actually not sure. The only cabinets I have are a 1x12 Marshall open back and a 2x12 mesa closed back. I could try either with a new head.
    • I have space for a combo, but would need to re-configure the mic situation, so maybe I'd prefer a head.
  • Budget: ~1000, but understand that the a Suhr Bella is more than that.
Thanks for reading.


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I didnt read the whole post because my lips got tired. However, i did loook at your current amps. You need 100 watts.

I also looked at your price range. You are going to have to get a peavey butcher

Edit. I know you said you need clean. But you need to get nasty

lol get outta know you wanna make that face

Ok. Forgive me. I am fucking drugged to the gills and can barely read.

I reread your amps you have. I still feel like you need 100 watts of high gain. For fucking sure.

However. I am hard flirting with a second amp for myself that is way lesss gain. Dr z max 18

Current amps: Marshall DSL20HR w/ 1x12, Mesa Mark V 35 w/ 2x12, Supro Delta King 12 combo

  • At first it seems like the hole I want to fill is something Fender-y (ignoring the Supro, which is literally just a bedroom amp). If I get something Fender-y, I want it to have tremolo. I don't even know where to start with Fenders, let alone other builders. A footswitch to control tremolo and reverb would be cool.
    • Everything in me believes that the above description is a combo, but I really don't know the options.
  • Pedal Platform: I've read that the Suhr Bella is great at this. What else?
    • What would be a good cabinet to pair it with?
  • I play all sorts of music, but the amp doesn't have to be a catch-all. I feel like the Mesa and Marshall can handle any gain situation I toss at it, but the Marshall is almost always doing the Marshall crunch and the Mesa can do amazing cleans, but I want something even cleaner. Like Mr Clean's head clean.
  • Do I want a combo or a head?
    • I'm actually not sure. The only cabinets I have are a 1x12 Marshall open back and a 2x12 mesa closed back. I could try either with a new head.
    • I have space for a combo, but would need to re-configure the mic situation, so maybe I'd prefer a head.
  • Budget: ~1000, but understand that the a Suhr Bella is more than that.
Thanks for reading.
I just saw your budget, so my recommendation, which is a Rivera Stage IV, is far over that. Hell, I feel like you can get an old Fender amp with tremolo built in for that budget. Why go Fender-ish if you could grab one and fill the need? I say that as someone who far prefers my Rivera over the older Fenders though so take that with a grain of salt.

My Rivera head is a Clubster Royale Recording. I saw the 50w EL version come up several years ago for $800 but circumstances were too dire for me to even think about grabbing one. If I could though, I'd say get one of those. Rare and hard to find in the wild now it seems.

If you already have good cabinets, throw all the money into a head.

If you really want to make a change, pop new speakers in your current cabinets. Avatar AV75s are some of the best I have played and are very reasonable.

Good luck in your hunt, there are a ton of options!

The Supro stuff caught my attention but NOT the delta series at all but the demos were through small speakers.

You also said you want an amp with trmolo built in, so that dinks off the Clubster Royale Recording as well....

Hm..... Keep searching, you'll find the one!
@phillybhatesme have you ever tried a preamp pedal in the loop of your DSL? I had a DSL40 and putting pedals into the return of that amp was the best poweramp I've ever heard. The presence, resonance and masters worked in this setup. I have a Bogner Ecstacy Blue pedal and it was like having a Plexi and Bogner amp.

Dope, thank you for the suggestion. I'll watch the vid.

I just saw your budget, so my recommendation, which is a Rivera Stage IV, is far over that. Hell, I feel like you can get an old Fender amp with tremolo built in for that budget. Why go Fender-ish if you could grab one and fill the need? I say that as someone who far prefers my Rivera over the older Fenders though so take that with a grain of salt.

Ahhh good point. And I guess I didn't word the OP correctly; I'm certainly not opposed to a Fender amp, but I don't wanna do the research lol. I wanted spoon-fed recommendations lol. The budget isn't really set in stone, so I appreciate the Rivera recommendation.

My Rivera head is a Clubster Royale Recording. I saw the 50w EL version come up several years ago for $800 but circumstances were too dire for me to even think about grabbing one. If I could though, I'd say get one of those. Rare and hard to find in the wild now it seems.

If you already have good cabinets, throw all the money into a head.

If you really want to make a change, pop new speakers in your current cabinets. Avatar AV75s are some of the best I have played and are very reasonable.

Good luck in your hunt, there are a ton of options!

Yeah, I think I'm leaning toward head as well.

The Supro stuff caught my attention but NOT the delta series at all but the demos were through small speakers.

You also said you want an amp with trmolo built in, so that dinks off the Clubster Royale Recording as well....

Hm..... Keep searching, you'll find the one!

Tremolo doesn't really need to be built-in to the purchase, but if I go with a Fender or a Fender-style amp, I would want it built-in. For some reason that just makes sense to me.

You could probably find a used Black Panel Fender for under $1k, just a question of wanting a Bassman or a Bandmaster circuit.

Cool, thanks.

I paid 1000 for a Mesa Fillmore 50 .............. incredible pedal platform .... and incredible cleans ...

I love this suggestion, thanks. These have also popped up on my radar and might be the move.
@phillybhatesme have you ever tried a preamp pedal in the loop of your DSL? I had a DSL40 and putting pedals into the return of that amp was the best poweramp I've ever heard. The presence, resonance and masters worked in this setup. I have a Bogner Ecstacy Blue pedal and it was like having a Plexi and Bogner amp.

No, and I've often wondered wtf a preamp pedal was for. This is super interesting to me, thanks for the suggestion.
At your price point, your really should consider a 65 or 68 DRRI if decide to go combo. Built in reverb and tremolo that is footswitchable. Takes pedals very well. Depending on how much gain you throw at it, a speaker change may be needed. Boutique wise, the Dr. Z and Suhrs are on another level.
No, and I've often wondered wtf a preamp pedal was for. This is super interesting to me, thanks for the suggestion.
Let me know what you think if you try. I was getting ready to get the IR-J or SYN-1 and modules to run into the return because it sounded so good.
Current amps: Marshall DSL20HR w/ 1x12, Mesa Mark V 35 w/ 2x12, Supro Delta King 12 combo

  • At first it seems like the hole I want to fill is something Fender-y (ignoring the Supro, which is literally just a bedroom amp). If I get something Fender-y, I want it to have tremolo. I don't even know where to start with Fenders, let alone other builders. A footswitch to control tremolo and reverb would be cool.
    • Everything in me believes that the above description is a combo, but I really don't know the options.
  • Pedal Platform: I've read that the Suhr Bella is great at this. What else?
    • What would be a good cabinet to pair it with?
  • I play all sorts of music, but the amp doesn't have to be a catch-all. I feel like the Mesa and Marshall can handle any gain situation I toss at it, but the Marshall is almost always doing the Marshall crunch and the Mesa can do amazing cleans, but I want something even cleaner. Like Mr Clean's head clean.
  • Do I want a combo or a head?
    • I'm actually not sure. The only cabinets I have are a 1x12 Marshall open back and a 2x12 mesa closed back. I could try either with a new head.
    • I have space for a combo, but would need to re-configure the mic situation, so maybe I'd prefer a head.
  • Budget: ~1000, but understand that the a Suhr Bella is more than that.
Thanks for reading.
You pretty well described a Twin Reverb, or if you wanted separate Head/Cab, the Showman head.