Help me pick a new amp

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I've never tried a Super Twin, ultralinear Twin, or Twin Reverb II for that matter. If you don't have tech skills or know someone who does, the old Fenders all generally need caps and other stuff gone through so $440 plus shipping is gonna wind up being 8 or 900 or 1k bucks for amp+shipping+tax, tech fees, caps, and maybe some/all tubes. Just my honest experience.

I gig mine, and am as hard on them as the club allows, and have spent a good few bucks now refurbishing the two I got. People will say they have ancient caps in their Fender and their amps works great but it never leaves the house or never sees extended high volume usage. You can limp a neglected Twin a long way, been there done that. But for top function it needs that tech bench love. Aside that, go for it if that's what you want.
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Why? Did you run out of mini toggles to play with on the Hermansson? :LOL:

no sir i have not, but when someone says "i can't give [insert whatever item here] away"...i show up with a pickup truck to take it off their hands :hys:

Yes, I paid more for mine. It says Super Twin on it, so no reverb even thought it's listed as a Super Twin Reverb

cool, thank you! its definitely on the list so when i saw your post, i thought i'd ask and see what yall thought about that listing
Get a great trem pedal, and use it with the Mesa. The Mesa Mk 5 25/35 has some amazing cleans that rival a DRRI.

A harmonic trem would sound heavenly into that Mesa.
Really appreciate all of the comments and suggestions.

I vote Lonestar and a good pedal that would likely be better than any on onboard tremolo.

Ever since getting my Mark V a few years ago, I've keep other Mesas on my radar. I think there's a Lonestar local to me that might be worth checking out.

Get a great trem pedal, and use it with the Mesa. The Mesa Mk 5 25/35 has some amazing cleans that rival a DRRI.

A harmonic trem would sound heavenly into that Mesa.

See...I love this suggestion lol. I have a Flint, a Monument, M1, Mobius, and possibly some other pedals that do trem...why I think it needs to be in the amp is beyond me.
I paid 1000 for a Mesa Fillmore 50 .............. incredible pedal platform .... and incredible cleans ...

I'm about to pull the trigger on one. Not necessarily because of this post per se, but because this post was a reminder that I'd done this research before lol. My GAS is a 50 watt Fillmore right now.
I run it into my amp switcher which is hooked up to two Marshall 4x12's one with stock GT-75's and the other has the Celestion " Eddie " backs in it

I also have a Mesa WideBody closed back 1X12 that has a Alnico Creamback in it ..... it sounds godly through that
Which amp switcher are you using?
How is the cabling situation?
a fucking nightmare ...... I have to run buffers before and after ..... IMO .... it's not worth the hassle .... I'd rather just manually swap heads out of a setup to try different amps ... If I had a Studio my opinion might be different ... but I end up swapping a head out here and there anyway ....