Alright I'm back.....
As Stephen said, guitars/pickups will make a huge dif. in your tone as you surely know... and even though diezels are extremele nice sounding amps, a Strat will sound BEAUTIFUL in channel 1 Texas mode (mode 2) but if you unplugg it and plug an EMG loaded guitar it'll probably sound kind of shitty since you maximized the EQs for a strat.
Now, having said that, tubes also make a HUGE dif. specially preamp tubes..... I recently put
an ECC83 Electro Harmonix in V1 and the cleans came alive.....
but lets talk about what you want, Settings:
in my opinion, it doesn't end man......just yesterday I was a bit dissapointed on my Einstein's ability to sound "vintage", obviously it's no Fender but it can get VERY vintage sounding for a modern amp, I just had the wrong settings.
this are my "usual" settings, and then I'll share some not so conventional settings that I'm starting to like, and prob. keep in my Einny
Modern Clean:
Ch.1 clean mode
Gain: 12:00
Volume 1:00
Treble 1:00
Mids: 11:00
Bass: 10:00
Presence: 12:00
Deep: 11:00
More vintage cleans:
Ch1 clean mode
Gain: 1:00
volume 12:00
Treble: 12:30
Mids: 3:00
Bass: 11:00
Presence: 11:00
Deep: 10:00
For tha' blues (I'm a huge blues fan)
Use this same settings with the right guitar/pups just flip to Texas mode (ch1 mode 2)
The greates rock tone from the Einstein TO ME, comes with setting everything to 12:00 (maybe back down on the deep a bit) and make MINOR tweaks to treble/mids/bass. If you're in Ch1 Mega mode (ch1 mode 3) set the gain to 2:00, if you're in ch.2 set the gain to 10:00
Ch1 MEga mode
Gain: 3:00
Volume 1:00
Treble 12:00
Mids: 12:00
Presence: 11:00
Deep: 11:00
Gain 12:00
Vol. 1:00
Treb: 12:30
Mid: 1:00
PRes: 11:00
Deep: 10:00
IMPORTANT: when using ch.2 the position of the switch in ch1 (the one to shift between modes) has an effect on the compression of ch2. If you're in ch2 and the switch is set to "clean" you'll get a beautifull non compressed ch2 gain (I love this for rock), If you set the switch to mode 2 while in Ch2 you'll notice the tone get a bit compressed..........I love having it there when I'm playing MEtal/Hard Rock...... and finally is the modes switch is set to Mega, then the tone in ch2 will be very compressed.....VERY nice for metal Leads..... maybe a bit too compressed for rythms, but definitely tightens things up a bit.
hope that helps.