Herbert users: Parallel or Serial loop? And many more questions regarding the loop!

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Have you adjusted the input/output on the g-major? Also the presets are programmed with -6db from the factory
I am not using any midi at all. I use a TC M-300 in mono to the parallel loop and just adjust the control on the back of the amp for adding in the parallel loop to desired taste.

It's simple, the signal is not changed by using the effects in series and the amp sounds bigger and more natural to me.
I've gotten the serial loop working just fine now, and I no longer need to use master 2 to balance the sounds.

Thank fuck for that!

Sounds fantastic too, btw.
Peter Diezel... the only man who seems to be able to make a serial FX loop that might even make an amp sound better with a decent FX unit in! :lol:
