I'm still getting a feel for it. Dual rectifiers have never really been my thing, but I figured if any of them (other than a rev C or something) will convince me it's a Hermansson modded one. I'm broadly more of a Marshall sort of guy and so it's not surprising that it's taking me a minute to find out where it fits.
Despite the questionable nature of his demo recording setup, the demos capture the character of the amp quite well. And it absolutely does that "clean up with the volume" knob trick just as well as he shows it. With the mid-boost pulled, there's some great crunchy tones of the green channel. You could cover a ton with a pedal, a volume knob, and that green channel set to something crunchy.
On the orange and red channels, I'm still exploring different eq setups combined with the modes. The modern mode is gloriously tight but has a really strong top-end. It's fun but a bit ear fatiguing if you aren't careful. At volume with ear plugs, I probably wouldn't notice, at lower volumes (reamped or not) it comes through. When I switch to the other modes they sound dull, but it might just be that anything sounds dull after modern mode. It's a bit like doing a flight of beers and one of them is a super hopped double IPA... after that everything tastes a little bland. Different cabs/speakers accentuate this or play it down.
So TL;DR; the feel and dynamics of the amp are amazing and it's still a dual rectifier. Per other people's comments Henric is a nice guy and very communicative.