Hermansson modified amp owners (current and former)



New member
I've been tempted for sometime to get a Hermansson modded Rectifier. To me all the clips around YouTube sound pretty good, and even though most of them seem to be dialled towards that very specific Meshuggaish higain tone, there's plenty of samples showing that it can do almost everything else as well.

However, I can see that there was a slight boom of Hermansson's around internet few years ago. Since it has settled, and I can see that people have sold their Hermansson modded amps. Question is, what made you sell those amps and if they're really are after all "one trick ponies"?
To be honest i found mine to be very fizzy and hollow. I can tell in the videos as well

BTW I’ve had 3
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Currently own three Hermanssons, have owned four in total. The one that I sold was an early triple rectifier he did (not certain if it is the same as the current recto mod as this was ~2018 vintage) which I sold because it was still very much a rectifier. There’s a YouTube video that compares multiple modded rectos (including a Hermansson and GZ) which kind of exemplifies my point. They’re all still rectos….which is fine but not something I personally tend to get along with.

In the current stable I have a one off two channel full rebuild Marshall (not the current 3/5GS offering), a four channel Soud City PA, and a 5GS/3GS two channel Marshall. These are pretty foundational to what I look for; have Marshall DNA but enough beyond that which is not just a Jose mod that they are interesting and versatile. Can cover a full gauntlet from plexi to high gain without getting flubby…super responsive to dynamics, can also be setup to cover that more liquid “bounce” under the fingers kid of feel. Honestly, just awesome all around.
Own a Marshall 5 stage currently, had a recto.

Sold the recto because to cut the highs got very very fizzy. And it went from 0 to 100 on tightness… like unless I was using a 7 string I wouldn’t consider reaching for it.

I really dig my Marshall, ton of fun to play, can be cutting and defined without being harsh. Still has the tightness but it seems like it doesn’t go 0-100. Frequency range is just much more pleasing overall.
Hermanssons to me are the most fun amps to play- it feels like other amps have a delay comparatively. They have excellent cleans and leads as well, and clips don’t do them justice
Volume gets rid of the fizziness on the Rectos . Also don’t use standard knob settings