Hiden Biden. is he still alive?

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he hasn't been alive for years :D

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Laugh away, brother.

biden have at it.gif
yeah but the fucking dems are now spinning and playing the age card on DT
since he campaigned on the premise that Biden was too old
they're turning that around on him

saying we have a new young and vibrant candidate that can take us into the future

OMG if this bitch gets in Im moving to Cuba. Or may just move down under and shack up with the @Monkey Man .
Im done.
her fat ass took in over $100m since sunday? WTF is going on out here

But I love the way the inner core flipped on Biden. Schumer #1 flipper. priceless to see his devilish smile calling for her now.
threw Biden right under the bus. Those spineless fuckheads

these mother fuckers will stab their mother in the back to stay in power. it is very scary what's going on.
Contributions: dems are collecting from Hollywood millionaires (billionaires?) at a million or more a pop. Trump’s comes from the heartland, $50 - $100 per. The diff is few of the ultra rich vs many of this country’s backbone.
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If he does, I won't worry.
It would help Kameltoe being the incumbent P not the incumbet VP.

While I support Trump, I am thinking how disastrous and destructive, and epically entertaining a Kameltoe cartel in the White House would be; not to mention accelerating the decline.

Trump will be better for my finances and for the USA; but the comedic value of President Kameltoe is tough to give up. I'm sure the demoncrat machine will install her irrespective of the actual voting results and electoral college results.

this is going to be a downward spiral ride; buckle up for the ride!
why are the privileged in hollywood so hell bent on being dems

i guess b/c inflation, world peace and the border does not effect them.
they have barrels of $$$$ and live in gated compounds
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You guys call yourself critical thinkers and you still believe the Oval Office is on EST? You actually think it is in Washington DC? Lolz
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You guys call yourself critical thinkers and you still believe the Oval Office is on EST? You actually think is in Washington DC? Lolz
Did I say I thought there was a discrepancy? …I said I should have stated that he appeared alive in the video, not that he appears alive. That is a more accurate statement.