* My Dad (RIP) was a mechanic and a welder. So much for your "douche" theory (although in my defense at least I have clean fingernails) ;0)
* The only other mechanic I knew (and this includes my Dad) would NEVER shell out 4 k for an amp head because 90% or more (IM guessing) professional mechanics work on cars for a LIVING and for them music is a hobby.
* Granted I'm stereotyping mechanics here but the mechanics in Arizona anyway, where I grew up, are guys that are like ex cons, have Swastika Tattoos and shit, meth guys, former meth guys, not exactly the top of the gene pool. I'm sorry if I stereotyped but it wasn't meant to imply that mechanics CAN'T afford a Herbert but simply WOULDN'T shell out that kind of cash for a hobby device. I laid out my 4 k because I'm in Hollywood competing with the best Musicians in the World and I needed any edge I could get, even to get into a lame cover band. The fact that you are so defensive about your profession tells me that you are one of the rare, honest, high class mechanics and not part of the RIP OFF INDUSTRY that is auto mechanics/auto parts/automotive. Dude I DELIVERED AUTO PARTS as a summer job for years during college. That's WAY lower on the social tier than a mechanic and you could make fun of auto parts drivers all you want because the fact is, most of them didn't graduate high school and don't even have all their god damn teeth for christ's sake.
I also bore witness to the TERRIBLE rip off the whole thing is. I would take a water pump from (name auto parts store) and the ticket would say Water Pump (Wholesale $75.) We would sell it for $150 to the garage. Then the garage would charge some (likely middle class and barely able to make rent) family/wife/etc. FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. It's an obscene mark up and while I know it's the shop owner's policy and not the mechanics, it's still a rip off. At least with a Diezel you get your money's worth. Bah. Look take what you want out of my post, I don't really care. But at least I didn't say something like all/most mechanics are douches. You probably could have retorted without name-calling as Peter noted. Then again, you were probably busy using Orange on your hands

JK man.
Peace out potty mouth