Horrible Exchange with Fatbagg

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Thanks for the laugh.
What's so funny?

Gee, the one guy defending him happened to score a CCV from him...go figure :rolleyes:
What does this have to do with anything : CCV or another. Not like I got it for free. Lol.

It's just my experience dealing with him twice this year.

I don't care if he bought 12 ccv's from him successfully. Bottom line is he took Mr Bush 2300$ from reverb sale and didn't send amp. Then ignores him for month or whatever and closes his reverb account!!! Then finds out on here that he is a member here! Then post snarky remarks on here and gives back most of it but not all to Mr. Bush. Then now finally gives him the 300 missing.
Yeah.......he is a great guy to deal with....... ? The only reason Mr Bush got his money back is because he is a member here. Otherwise he thought he was going to get away with stealing it by closing his reverb account.
That's my take from it. I definitely won't do business with him if i know it's him.
We're beating this horse to death but it is great that our forum sticks together and has rules and ratings for transactions to keep it safe and friendly for everyone.
Sounds like you are leaving some details on purpose?

Plus, you are interpreting your own conclusion.

If sticking together means bashing the shit out of someone for PTSD, substance abuse problem, creating stupid meme out of him and other crazy non related shit.. definitely not a Community I want to be apart of.
And he's the one getting called out for snarky remarks? Lol

The bottom line is he paid his due.
And never attempted to run away from it. He fucked up and admitted it.

Like come on, we're more mature than this. Case is closed. Don't deal with him. It's justify, but cut the snarky nonsense.
What does this have to do with anything : CCV or another. Not like I got it for free. Lol.
Where else were you going to get a CCV from?

keep trying to perform your ethical gymnastics - you know the guy acted like a scumbag. He was shafting people over until he was called on it in a public forum.

He continued to keep lying and obfuscating about the situation until he realized he had no alternative other than to do the right thing.

lol, indeed!
Where else were you going to get a CCV from?

keep trying to perform your ethical gymnastics - you know the guy acted like a scumbag. He was shafting people over until he was called on it in a public forum.

He continued to keep lying and obfuscating about the situation until he realized he had no alternative other than to do the right thing.

lol, indeed!
I see a lot acting like that, here...
What's so funny?

What does this have to do with anything : CCV or another. Not like I got it for free. Lol.

It's just my experience dealing with him twice this year.

Sounds like you are leaving some details on purpose?

Plus, you are interpreting your own conclusion.

If sticking together means bashing the shit out of someone for PTSD, substance abuse problem, creating stupid meme out of him and other crazy non related shit.. definitely not a Community I want to be apart of.
And he's the one getting called out for snarky remarks? Lol

The bottom line is he paid his due.
And never attempted to run away from it. He fucked up and admitted it.

Like come on, we're more mature than this. Case is closed. Don't deal with him. It's justify, but cut the snarky nonsense.

You saying that he never attempted to run away. Now that is funny lol. ? Your whole post about him being picked on is funny. You attempting to salvage a thiefs reputation with a story about your experience buying 2 amps from him is funny.
Two things you got right are ...yes ......he paid his due! With his reputation! Secondly yes i am interpereting my own conclusion......he is a thief. Point finale.
Scary I just made a deal with fatbag trading amps shipping. It is crazy many people vouch for him to me as well.
Fatbagg has a Diamond Memory Lane pedal for sale on TGP. I couldnt resist. Like Venmo or Cashapp is any dif from PPG. None of those three have recourse for the buyer if the seller flakes out. ?


Silver Supporting Member
Feedback:3 / 0 / 0
Today at 5:34 PM
Do you accept Paypal gift?

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[IMG alt="fatbagg"]https://www.thegearpage.net/board/data/avatars/m/50/50405.jpg?1568442510[/IMG]


Gold Supporting Member
Feedback:15 / 0 / 0
Today at 5:40 PM
Just Regular PayPal or Venmo/cashapp.


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So uselessly trolling someone with a good trade record seems kind of stupid. When your 3 positive trades increases about 500%, then judge someone. What I see is someone with 10 years of good deals and then a mishap. This thread has destroyed this dude. You guys are all concerned, he is happy and loving life and probably not concerned with any of you.
I traded an amp to the guy a month ago no issues. Looks like he has sold 7-8 items since this thread started, none have a any negative feedback.
Seems like you are very concerned and should mind your business and get out of other people lives. Stop making others peoples lives harder because you feel cool hanging up on someone.
I don’t know you or he/she, but Jesus Christ stop being so negative and worry about your own positivity.
He refused PPG. Seems like a decent step in the right direction, it’s obvious whatever happened is out of character, the guys is very well liked and regarded.
I’m not trying to save face for him, not interested. But you don’t know his story, and it would hurt for someone to be doing this to you should the circumstances be genuine.
I’m not buying his stuff but I’m not going out of my way to gossip either.
No disrespect to you, truly.
But the guy has 100 positive sales on eBay, 60+ positive on reverb and 15 on TGP. It’s clear that he isn’t who this thread made to be.
Let people live, man. Someone might be getting a great pedal for a good price from a good person who had a hard time, like ALL of us.

There’s about two people who seem to have had an issue around the same time in an otherwise 15 years great trade record.
But Mark Cameron rips off everyone and he’s a god here. Double standards man.
PS, not sure about cashapp, but Venmo will protect you, unlike previous stated.
Mind your business man, worry about your own life, strive to be positive here and keep this forum decent and stop hanging on other people’s nuts because you want to fit in or feel cool.
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So uselessly trolling someone with a good trade record seems kind of stupid. When your 3 positive trades increases about 500%, then judge someone. What I see is someone with 10 years of good deals and then a mishap. This thread has destroyed this dude. You guys are all concerned, he is happy and loving life and probably not concerned with any of you.
I traded an amp to the guy a month ago no issues. Looks like he has sold 7-8 items since this thread started, none have a any negative feedback.
Seems like you are very concerned and should mind your business and get out of other people lives. Stop making others peoples lives harder because you feel cool hanging up on someone.
I don’t know you or he/she, but Jesus Christ stop being so negative and worry about your own positivity.
He refused PPG. Seems like a decent step in the right direction, it’s obvious whatever happened is out of character, the guys is very well liked and regarded.
I’m not trying to save face for him, not interested. But you don’t know his story, and it would hurt for someone to be doing this to you should the circumstances be genuine.
I’m not buying his stuff but I’m not going out of my way to gossip either.
No disrespect to you, truly.
But the guy has 100 positive sales on eBay, 60+ positive on reverb and 15 on TGP. It’s clear that he isn’t who this thread made to be.
Let people live, man. Someone might be getting a great pedal for a good price from a good person who had a hard time, like ALL of us.

There’s about two people who seem to have had an issue around the same time in an otherwise 15 years great trade record.
But Mark Cameron rips off everyone and he’s a god here. Double standards man.
PS, not sure about cashapp, but Venmo will protect you, unlike previous stated.
Mind your business man, worry about your own life, strive to be positive here and keep this forum decent and stop hanging on other people’s nuts because you want to fit in or feel cool.
I haven't seen this memory lane, damn.

I probably would have bought it ?
Fine VanMalmsteem you made your point. Post deleted. But you dont know me. Have you read this entire thread? Especially fatbagg's initial respones? He could have a million great transactions and it wouldn't make what he did anywhere close to right.
Fine VanMalmsteem you made your point. Post deleted. But you dont know me. Have you read this entire thread? Especially fatbagg's initial respones? He could have a million great transactions and it wouldn't make what he did anywhere close to right.
You are correct. I mean not meant any disrespect my friend, truly. Maybe because Indisna deal with him before seeing the thread but AFTER these events my view of the person is very good from personal experience. I feel for OP, I do NOT support how Fatbagg handled it at all.
TRUST when I say this forum hit him hard. In the two weeks I was in contact he was not only very obviously depressed at how he ‘lost his community’ but he told me he owed someone money for an amp and needed to flip it to pay him from here, it was eating him alive.
He sounds like an asshole on here for sure. He’s actually incredibly nice. He was also injured on a deployment and in a slew of health concerns.
Again, not trying to defend him, I just think if you look at the whole picture he made a terrible mistake, and even he understands that.
So please know that I really didn’t mean to direct anger at you. I’m sorry about that part.
What’s funny is that he didn’t share anything from his side in this whole thread. He didn’t put anyone else on blast or blame anyone else. The guy is so concerned about tarnishing someone else’s name that he got completely ripped off VERY bad RIGHT before this and never mentioned it. He didn’t want to bring that kind of negativity to the trading forums. But I can tell you that for anyone that knows Michael Rogal better watch out. He will receive your amp and sell it and pull his money back. I saw the emails, that guy Michael openly admitted to selling Fatbaggs amp he threatened to sue him for everything his ever been worth if he mentioned his name online or openly. Ive seen messages from Michael Rogal admitting that he never paid Fatbagg, to multiple people and flipped his amp. Saw this with my own eyes, but he never brought it up for whatever reason. Hope I didn’t just make that worse.
Again, not defending Fatbagg, but there is a whole side prior to this that was really fucked up too.
Anti-Karma? lol
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Fine VanMalmsteem you made your point. Post deleted. But you dont know me. Have you read this entire thread? Especially fatbagg's initial respones? He could have a million great transactions and it wouldn't make what he did anywhere close to right.
Yes, his early responses were nasty. I don’t know what was up maybe he smokes crack lol
Can't believe this thread is still going ?

Thankfully OP got refunded. Was a pretty bad ordeal, hopefully all is well in the life of Fatbagg but regardless of the personal issues It was a shitshow of a deal.

Regarding Michael Rogul that would be fatbaggs choice to bring it up if he wanted to and it would belong in another thread. Has nothing to do with this transaction. Don't Rob Peter to pay Paul on the gear forums.

Fatbagg may be a great person but clearly he got in over his head financially and avoided OP here.

I am glad these forums exist to be able to call people out when needed.

If OP didnt call him out I am willing to bet he would have never saw his money back. If Fatbagg was embarrassed because of this and left that was his choice and OP had every right to call him out as he should have.

After re reading this thread it is very clear avoiding op was intentional. Maybe to buy time? Seems like fatbagg had a lot going on but he made his choice.

Swallow your pride and reply is all he had to do but he didnt.
Can't believe this thread is still going ?

Thankfully OP got refunded. Was a pretty bad ordeal, hopefully all is well in the life of Fatbagg but regardless of the personal issues It was a shitshow of a deal.

Regarding Michael Rogul that would be fatbaggs choice to bring it up if he wanted to and it would belong in another thread. Has nothing to do with this transaction. Don't Rob Peter to pay Paul on the gear forums.

Fatbagg may be a great person but clearly he got in over his head financially and avoided OP here.

I am glad these forums exist to be able to call people out when needed.

If OP didnt call him out I am willing to bet he would have never saw his money back. If Fatbagg was embarrassed because of this and left that was his choice and OP had every right to call him out as he should have.

After re reading this thread it is very clear avoiding op was intentional. Maybe to buy time? Seems like fatbagg had a lot going on but he made his choice.

Swallow your pride and reply is all he had to do but he didnt.

I agree completely. Didn’t sound like a stable guy through the earlier thread and I feel fo the OP, no doubt. I think OP did the right thing posting here, it was the bandwagon that followed that was unnecessary. The threats and contacting his family and friends and stalking his every move and ruining his personal life as well was far far far overdoing it.
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VanMalmsteen, you sound like a guy who is scared fatbagg might stop selling you amps.