Horrible Exchange with Fatbagg

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I would imagine if Paypal sees a history of frequent "gift" transactions for several thousand dollars to what seem to be random people they take action at some point. I was already paying the fee MOST of the time and wanted the protection as a buyer but I think this thread has convinced me to avoid gifting when I know I shouldn't be. I think the buyer should pay the fee though and that's not really the way it is set up.
It’s insane to me that someone with a long history here would try this shit. Especially when they apparently have enough cash to flip amps, so it’s not like he’s in dire need to scam people for a quick buck. I’m glad OP recouped most of his money, good job coming here to call him out.
Like someone else said, he brought up a lot of excuses and personal stuff to which all of us know doesn’t matter when it comes to online sales. Either you’re capable and willing to follow through, or you can’t, and should avoid online sales all together until you can or be permanently banned otherwise.

Due to the pandemic and him mentioning his liver, I’d almost suspect alcohol was a factor but I’m not in anyway speculating. The key here is that he shorted a person thousands of dollars, knowingly, argued about it, didn’t pay him back until he was called out, and even then did not refund all litigated fees of the full amount. He claimed amnesia but had recollection of the gift amount to be refunded in a rebuttal a few pages back to the amount he sent.

Nothing but drugs or alcohol makes sense of it all. I just hope the OP gets the rest of his funds and that Fatbagg gets serious help should he need it.
Not making light here. But bout 12 years ago I was flipping amps like crazy. It was a real sickness. I would buy 2. Something else would pop up. I buy it (well I will just sell the two coming in to recoup)
Bought the new one. Other two shows up. I tried em out made sure no breakage and they played fine. Boxed them back up. Listed and sold them within a few days. Guess for me it was like a gambling addiction??
Can’t speak for fattbag. But it consumed me. Never ever screwed anyone over though. All my deals were complete within days. I have no clue on the fattbag deal other than what’s been written. But it’s really a slippery slope if you can’t back up sales. ?
^ This is essentially what I was thinking was happening all along. Dude just got ate up searching for that grail. When you've already bought THE ONE and then a new THE NEXT ONE pops up you buy it too. When something goes awry (like failing to ship or even UPS drop-kicking the amp) and refunds are due...shit hit the fan.
And I wanted that GG model if he still had it! I live in driving distance and wanted to buy that Engl Artist he had but when I contacted him and told him I was local he ghosted for a long time.
Wow, and to think that I offered to buy his IIC+ when he posted it. I was willing to pay a lot for it. Thank god he ended up ghosting me after an initial offer from me.
And I wanted that GG model if he still had it! I live in driving distance and wanted to buy that Engl Artist he had but when I contacted him and told him I was local he ghosted for a long time.
Wow, and to think that I offered to buy his IIC+ when he posted it. I was willing to pay a lot for it. Thank god he ended up ghosting me after an initial offer from me.
Seems to be a common thread. Here is another piece of feedback that was left on his Reverb shop last June. Unfortunately I didn't notice this until after sending payment originally.


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What blows my mind is that we still have no idea what happened to the amp!?
Mr Bush, any chance you can provide some context here for us? Trying to figure out if there ever was an amp...Dude was a pretty prolific poster / revolving door amp guy both here and TGP, kind of hard to miss and you would know when something new showed up. Don't remember being hit with "hey check my new 101b..." Where did this transaction originate ? How were you able to confirm the amp existed ? if it was TGP they'll bounce him there too. Glad you were able to get it mostly resolved.
Mr Bush, any chance you can provide some context here for us? Trying to figure out if there ever was an amp...Dude was a pretty prolific poster / revolving door amp guy both here and TGP, kind of hard to miss and you would know when something new showed up. Don't remember being hit with "hey check my new 101b..." Where did this transaction originate ? How were you able to confirm the amp existed ? if it was TGP they'll bounce him there too. Glad you were able to get it mostly resolved.
Sure. As I mentioned in my OP this began on Reverb. I've attached a screenshot of the original ad, which was removed, along with the beginning of our exchange where he asked for PayPal gift. The ad on Reverb also included a YouTube video of him demoing the amp, though I don't think you ever actually see the amp itself in the video. I was able to track him down on here and TGP. Not sure if he had ever posted about this amp on here or not.


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Sure. As I mentioned in my OP this began on Reverb. I've attached a screenshot of the original ad, which was removed, along with the beginning of our exchange where he asked for PayPal gift. The ad on Reverb also included a YouTube video of him demoing the amp, though I don't think you ever actually see the amp itself in the video. I was able to track him down on here and TGP. Not sure if he had ever posted about this amp on here or not.

Lame AF all the way around....didn't see that coming but I don't know the guy at all. Again, sorry you had to go down that rabbit hole.

Well moving forward, since you rode in here and stirred up an epic portion of shit you should stay :ROFLMAO: (y) :ROFLMAO: (y) Welcome to Rig Talk Mr. Bush! Other than 101b's what are you into ???
Lame AF all the way around....didn't see that coming but I don't know the guy at all. Again, sorry you had to go down that rabbit hole.

Well moving forward, since you rode in here and stirred up an epic portion of shit you should stay :ROFLMAO: (y) :ROFLMAO: (y) Welcome to Rig Talk Mr. Bush! Other than 101b's what are you into ???
haha thanks! Again, I appreciate the support here. Longtime lurker but never really joined in the conversation before now.

I've had so many different amps over the years...Marshalls, 6505+, Mesa Triaxis/Stereo 2:90, Roadster, 5150 III, even a Kemper and an HX-Stomp. Always searching for that tone in my head. I am dead-set on a 101b at the moment. They are harder to find up here in Canada, but I'm hoping once I do it will be something I keep forever.
Sure. As I mentioned in my OP this began on Reverb. I've attached a screenshot of the original ad, which was removed, along with the beginning of our exchange where he asked for PayPal gift. The ad on Reverb also included a YouTube video of him demoing the amp, though I don't think you ever actually see the amp itself in the video. I was able to track him down on here and TGP. Not sure if he had ever posted about this amp on here or not.

Just a headsup but that exact video was from over a YEAR ago. He hasn't talked about that amp on the forums in a long time. If it's this video. . I've followed his amp posts on the forums for about 2 years or more and have a good memory. I'm assuming it's this one from 2019:
haha thanks! Again, I appreciate the support here. Longtime lurker but never really joined in the conversation before now.

I've had so many different amps over the years...Marshalls, 6505+, Mesa Triaxis/Stereo 2:90, Roadster, 5150 III, even a Kemper and an HX-Stomp. Always searching for that tone in my head. I am dead-set on a 101b at the moment. They are harder to find up here in Canada, but I'm hoping once I do it will be something I keep forever.
I had no idea 101b's were going for that much money... I paid 1800 bucks like new in the box back in 2008, nobody wanted them anymore.. I sold it on this forum 3 days later lol
Sounds like he was using peoples money to try shit out basically
All of a sudden he has a 100A, a 100b and a CCV.
All at once. Seems like he was just using peoples money to fund his buying frenzy then when he decided what he was gonna keep he would dump the remainder make up a bunch of bullshit excuses then refund the money.
You guys are probably right there never was a 101b.
The dude had the gall to offer the CCV to me for...5900 :ROFLMAO:
Just a headsup but that exact video was from over a YEAR ago. He hasn't talked about that amp on the forums in a long time. If it's this video. . I've followed his amp posts on the forums for about 2 years or more and have a good memory. I'm assuming it's this one from 2019:

Yep, and the ad on Reverb was about that old as well. I should have noticed and taken concern with this at the time, but didn't unfortunately. I don't know if he was specifically trying to scam me or it was just an honest mistake. What is not excusable IMO is ignoring my messages on Reverb or the emails I sent him asking for an update.
Just a headsup but that exact video was from over a YEAR ago. He hasn't talked about that amp on the forums in a long time. If it's this video. . I've followed his amp posts on the forums for about 2 years or more and have a good memory. I'm assuming it's this one from 2019:

Wow. It seems like any way you cut it, or what was going on grind the scenes, he was using sales to get fronted cash. Maybe to go after other amps he didn’t have the funds for at the time.