How a woofy bassy guitar tone can obscure a bass tone...

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I would love it if they re-released it with the ...and justice for Jason mix. The bass could even be brought down just a hair in that mix. I love the songs on that album but have a hard time listening cause I hate the no bass mix. The guitar tones of the album are classic, the drum and bass tone/mix rank up there in the worst of all time. They could've easily made it better without changing the overall feel and dynamic of that album.
While I'm more of a midrange guy personally think about it though...there are more guitar players playing in bedrooms/basements/house rooms than in bands so if you play it strictly by the numbers game offering products capable of scooped tones is just following the money/market/demographic of the average player.

And studio's can surgically scoop mids while retaining cut in the mix.

Not saying all home players like scooped mids or big bass (at all), but there's no "mix" penalty for liking that type of tone at home.