How Democrats Will Steal / Postpone / Cancel the Midterm Elections?

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:LOL: :hys:

This place is hilarious.

@Picasso, I'd fuck the shit out of her! Maybe even take a load down my throat.

No more time for this. Gotta go crank it to that pic.

I'll let you kids know how it went next time I check in. :D
This is how a troll rolls, no thoughts or intelligent points, just trolling.
No critical thought at all.
It’s actually quite pathetic …
The funniest is when they actually think ‘they are getting to ya’ ???
Whatever. Do not mind many point of views and respect them all. Love to see where people are coming from and their perspectives, Appreciate the FACTS members post and not the rhetoric BS.
I'd fuck the shit out of her! Maybe even take a load down my throat.
Whatever. Do not mind many point of views and respect them all. Love to see where people are coming from and their perspectives, Appreciate the FACTS members post and not the rhetoric BS.

Exactly what happens,
… unfortunately, a troll has no intelligence to share.
That’s not why they come here. They have no thoughts or views.
They’re just crying for attention.
Just heard a Lib Reporter say,
“The Red Wave is a mirage”

Of course, till they can go grab ballots as needed from the storage units …

92% for Fetterman in PA!!! ???
What a joke.

Fetterman, a 91% clip in Philly PA?
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:LOL: :hys:

This place is hilarious.

@Picasso, I'd fuck the shit out of her! Maybe even take a load down my throat.

No more time for this. Gotta go crank it to that pic.

I'll let you kids know how it went next time I check in. :D
Wow, what a POS dragging kids into this spineless whatever you call yourself. Disgusting.
That’s good to hear?
My pleasure Brother Keef.

Let there be no doubt that that sort of thing hasn't and will never be considered an option. I mean, the mods and owner have to be able to sleep at night too and for the record I've not heard anyone suggest such a move, even in jest.

One of my all-time-fave sayings is, "the price of a soft pillow is a clear conscience." 'Nuf said.
Wow, what a POS dragging kids into this spineless whatever you call yourself. Disgusting.
She definitely looks old-enough in the pic so I don't see a problem. To the casual observer, she's of-age.

Besides, the joke was no doubt influenced by the fake dick, hence the "Maybe even take a load down my throat" component.

Why do I feel like a kindergarten cop right now? :LOL:
Leftists have no morals or conscience … think about it, they love half naked transgenders reading porn to children in kindergarten classes, they support child genital mutilation.

Democrats don't want parents to have control over their own children .

She definitely looks old-enough in the pic so I don't see a problem. To the casual observer, she's of-age.

Besides, the joke was no doubt influenced by the fake dick, hence the "Maybe even take a load down my throat" componen
This place is hilarious.
@Picasso, I'd fuck the shit out of her! Maybe even take a load down my throat.
No more time for this. Gotta go crank it to that pic.
I'll let you kids know how it went next time I check in. :D
She definitely looks old-enough in the pic so I don't see a problem. To the casual observer, she's of-age.

Besides, the joke was no doubt influenced by the fake dick, hence the "Maybe even take a load down my throat" component.

Why do I feel like a kindergarten cop right now? :LOL:
"and let your Kids know how it went next time I check in" Missed that Bro Man. Back to guarding the playground- take care my man.
This place is hilarious.
@Picasso, I'd fuck the shit out of her! Maybe even take a load down my throat.
No more time for this. Gotta go crank it to that pic.
I'll let you kids know how it went next time I check in. :D

"and let your Kids know how it went next time I check in" Missed that Bro Man. Back to guarding the playground- take care my man.
"... let YOU kids know...". You missed it bro'. :LOL:

So again, IMHO the joke was fine by OTC standards. Really nothing to see there.
NONE of these races should be remotely close because Americans are outraged at the direction of this country and sky high gas and food prices .
The fact that many races are this close indicates the steal is on.

fka Serena
November 8, 2022 9:08 pm

Also, Dems are a cult. I know because I used to belong to it. Reason and facts aren’t factors. It’s the party of stupid people. I am not stupid any more (as of Nov 2008)
As the political discussion centers on the 2022 wins and losses from the midterm election, one thing that stands out in similarity to the 2020 general election is the difference between ballots and votes. It appears in some states this is the ‘new normal.’

Where votes were the focus, the Biden administration suffered losses. Where ballots were the focus, the Biden administration won.

Perhaps the two states most reflective of ‘ballots’ being more important than ‘votes’ are Michigan and Pennsylvania. Despite negative polling and public opinion toward two specific candidates in those states, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman achieved victories.

Whitmer and Fetterman were not campaigning for votes, that is old school. Instead, the machinery behind both candidates focused on the modern path. The Democrat machines in both states focused on ballot collection and ignored the irrelevant votes as cast.

Since the advent of ballot centric focus through mail-in and collection drop-off processes, votes have become increasingly less valuable amid the organizers who wish to control election outcomes. As a direct and specific result, ballot collection has become the key to Democrat party success.

The effort to attain votes for candidates is less important than the strategy of collecting ballots.

It should be emphasized; these are two distinctly different election systems.

The system of ballot distribution and collection is far more susceptible to control than the traditional system of votes cast at precincts.

A vote cannot be cast by a person who is no longer alive, or no longer lives in the area. However, a ballot can be sent, completed and returned regardless of the status of the initially attributed and/or registered individual.

While ballots and votes originate in two totally different processes, the end result of both “ballots” and “votes,” weighing on the presented election outcome, is identical.

While initially the ballot form of election control was tested in Deep Blue states, through the process of mail-in returns under the guise and justification of “expanding democracy,” a useful tool for those who are vested in the distinction, I think we are now starting to see what happens on a national level when the process is expanded.

The controversial 2020 election showed the result of making ‘ballots’ the strategy for electoral success. Under the justification of COVID-19 mitigation, mail-in ballots took center stage. Ballot harvesting by Democrat operations was one term for the outcome.

Democrat party officials and political activist groups knew how to exploit the opportunities within the new system of ballot distribution and collection, and when you combine that with a massive legal pressure campaign to accept any and all forms of ballots, well, you can see how they are dependent.

Now that ballot collection has been shown to be a much more effective way to maintain political power, Democrats in a general sense are less focused on winning votes and more focused on gathering ballots.

When ‘ballot organization’ becomes more important than ‘vote winning,’ you modify your electoral campaign approaches accordingly. It might sound simplistic, but inside the distinct difference between ballots and votes you will find why refusing debates is a successful strategy.

If you are trying to win votes you could never fathom campaign success by refusing to debate an opponent. However, if your focus is centered around ballot collection, the debate is essentially irrelevant.

It’s time for voters to start seeing the difference between elections decided by ballots and elections decided by votes. Perhaps the 2022 midterm election will awaken people to the two completely different election systems.

You can vote at any scale you want, but when ballots are more important than votes – the election will always favor the former.

Michigan and Pennsylvania voters are likely very unhappy today, while Michigan and Pennsylvania ballot providers are smiling.

If Democrats had to win individual ‘votes’ to gain election success, they would be at a disadvantage. As long as Democrats only need to gather ‘ballots’, they have a path to winning elections. The processes of electioneering are all modified accordingly.

Campaigning, advertising, promoting, debating, hand-shaking, crowd attendance and venues for rallies, along with physically meeting people and convincing them of your worth, are only important if you are trying to win votes.

Fortunately for Democrats, modern electioneering does not require these arcane efforts. So, in the larger picture of what you see in elections, they have stopped wasting time and doing them.

I feel angry. Perhaps you can relate, perhaps not. But my anger stems from the fact that, amazingly, Republicans still don’t seem to get it.

One can understand why conservatives were caught off-guard in 2020. We simply had no framework within the…

…American political experience for corruption on that scale. Historically, Americans trust their institutions and their political process.

But after the factually reported widespread shenanigans of the 2020 election, no one should have been naive about what Democrats …

…were planning to do in all future elections. I mean, Time bragged about the 2020 steal for heaven’s sake.

But many Republicans, fearful of being labeled “election deniers,” got played yet again. It’s quite incredible …


… really. They became “election-denier” deniers. They chastised fellow conservatives like my friend @DineshDSouza for even suggesting that such a thing was possible. To these people I ask a simple question: do you really think that a party that is prepared to suspend the …

…writ of habeas corpus as in the case of the Jan 6th detainees, sexualize children & perform irreversible sex-change operations on them, burn cities, threaten Supreme Court justices, deliberately tank the economy, condemn your g’ma to die alone, etc. is actually above …

…election-rigging? If so, read no further. One cannot reason with an idiot.

Republicans post-2020, embarrassed by Trump, determined to look politically sophisticated, not wanting to side with the Red State masses, or just coveting that membership at club with all their …

…liberal buddies, did little to nothing to prevent another 2020. Instead, they foolishly assumed that Biden’s policies, which so clearly have unsettled and destabilized Americans, would sink Dems in the midterms. Didn’t the polls say so?

So, they campaigned harder, spent …

…more money, had more rallies, and confused all of it with actual success.

If a football game is rigged, practicing more won’t do you any good.

In 2020, I had a sense that Dems were up to something when Biden barely campaigned. Remember that? Yes, while Trump was …

…holding HUGE rallies across the county, Biden went in the basement. Moreover, Dems treated Americans with utter impunity. Not the sort of stuff you’d expected to see in the lead-up to an election. But it’s precisely what you’d expect to see if they knew the fix was in….

…Fast forward to 2022, it was the same thing all over again. Dems continue to exhibit utter disdain for common Americans. Polling data suggested a “red wave” to hit the whole country. But that was never going to happen, and Dems knew it.

The part that angers me is that …

…Republicans should have known it, too. I knew it. Many of you did, too. But as Republicans held rallies and generally played the role of Pollyanna, Dems ignored doing anything to mollify a discontented electorate and instead continued to target the levers of power by…

…altering election laws; massive ballot-harvesting; recruiting poll workers; relocating illegals to red cities/states; utilizing corporate America, Hollywood, media & Big Tech to push their agenda, and so on.

I’ve spent a lot of time in the third world, and these are …

…all third world tactics. Republican leadership is broken insofar as Democrats are unscrupulous street fighters who are prepared to do anything, absolutely anything, to acquire power and maintain it.

Republicans are playing by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules.

The End