How Democrats Will Steal / Postpone / Cancel the Midterm Elections?

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Literally nobody I know ever talks about Jan 6th at all, let alone as being an issue. However, what they are talking about is the shitty economy and gas prices and just trying to survive!! The dems are sinking fast.
You can find numerous videos of Bonehead Biden and POS Nuland promising the Nordstream would be taken care of.
Although, miraculously many of these videos have now been removed?
Dopey Joe had a smug smile when asked how he would stop it.
Meanwhile, Trump is leaving his only legal defense for the stupid shit he is tweeting to be "I am mentally unfit for trial". And I think he could claim mental health as a reason to avoid prison and assclowns would still vote for him.
Seems like the Democrats are desperate. You would think after Biden winning the most votes in history, they wouldn't need to put the screws on Trump during an upcoming election. And yet that's exactly what they are doing.

Carry on guzzling your soy latte in the bay.
fair points. In hindsight, not really sure it's about Trump as much as it is people feel cheated outta their votes, whether deliberate or not, people question a lot now, censorship is leaning toward fact of the censored.
People weren't cheated out of their votes. Recent evidence shows that not only was Trump aware that he lost, but he planned to announce he won no matter what the votes were. If you are worried about people being cheated out of votes, you should be far more concerned that a president attempted to stay in office after knowingly getting voted out.

Also, evidence of fraud is lacking. You think anyone would have found it by now. The courts need probable cause and evidence to make rulings based on facts.

And elected officials who are gerrymandering and redrawing voting districts to make it harder for people that disagree with their world view are doing much more to cheat people out of votes than you seem to realize. If you really want everyone's vote to count, you should have an opinion on Moore v. Harper that backs voters' rights.
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Seems like the Democrats are desperate. You would think after Biden winning the most votes in history, they wouldn't need to put the screws on Trump during an upcoming election. And yet that's exactly what they are doing.

Carry on guzzling your soy latte in the bay.
81,000,000 votes???

Paper serial numbered ballots and voter ID required…
Until this happens, it’s just a joke.
The Dems can’t win without voter fraud…

Funny how pretty much everyone caught commiting voter fraud in the last election was a republicOn though.
Seems like the Democrats are desperate. You would think after Biden winning the most votes in history, they wouldn't need to put the screws on Trump during an upcoming election. And yet that's exactly what they are doing.

Carry on guzzling your soy latte in the bay.
Maybe another massive fraudulent win for JB, then a civil war, resulting in martial law and then Gun confiscation from all the right ‘extremist / terrorists’.
Seen that in History more than once…
Maybe another massive fraudulent win for JB, then a civil war, resulting in martial law and then Gun confiscation from all the right ‘extremist / terrorists’.
Seen that in History more than once…
Doubt that will last another 2 years. Things are nearing a peak IMO. Pot is now close to boiling and the heat is not being turned down.
The latest Kari Lake spectacle in Arizona is another example. Donkeys saying the Rep planted it to bolster her votes. The Donkeys will not stop at the corruption. Just like Grampa Paul Pelosis' sex toy beating. All right before the midterm- how convenient.