How do you manage gig dates and rehearsals with your bands?

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Struggling to find an app or platform that's easy enough for everyone, regardless of technical aptitude (lookin' at the drummer), that gives us a shared schedule that users can see and modify. Curious what everyone uses? Any suggestions?
We use FB Messenger to check on everyone's availability. Not hard with a three piece. All I care about are date, driving distance and pay.
We connect/Chat using Whatsapp... share everything we have using google drive... When we start gigging on regular basis, we're most likely to be using Google calendar.

Hire a personal assistant that takes Dick-tation.
man I know that's right. throw in that half the guys in my band work other projects, so it ends up where I'm trying to keep up with 3 bands' schedules lol

Yepper, my bassist of the last 20+ years is typically in over 5 bands and plays very regularly. Google Calendar was by far the best way to check his schedule always before booking our bands. Obviously it only works if people put their gigs on it, or their other commitments, but it's by far the best option we've found! Meanwhile , my drummer in 1 band isn't on social media and wouldn't know how to use Google Calendar no matter what so you have to rely on text for him.