How good is the Tremolo bridge on the PRS SE guitars?

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I'm thinking of selling off some gear that I'm not using and getting a PRS SE. How are the tremolo bridges? Love 'em? Hate 'em? How low can you dump the strings?
No better or worse than a vintage strat bridge imho. It's ok with a proper setup, but it's no floyd rose.
They wont really support medium gauge strings and still stay in tune even with locking tuners.
I don’t have a video of it, but I was able to do the same whammy shit on my Semi-Hollow as I am a standard Strat trem, if anything the PRS trem had a bit more give to it. A properly cut and lubed nut goes a long way.

The one I have is pretty damn stable for a non-locking trem
I typically am not a fan of non locking tremolos if I'm using them for what I use a Floyd for. Having said that I echo what was said above in that in my experience they perform about as good (or bad depending how you look at it) as a traditional strat trem, maybe a little better tuning stability. For vibrato work they're fine; dive bombs usually get wonky on the return. I do notice better stability when changing the plastic nut to something like a Graphtech Tusq XL - which is always the first thing I do when I buy an SE.