How To Be A Woke White Person

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Skid
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Who judged anything as a delusion?

Who deemed anyone in need of salvation? Maybe this person is already born again.

So it's all on you to ultimately judge the worthy from the swine?


If you're open minded do a little research into 'Inclusive Interpretation vs. Exclusive Interpretation'.

You are practicing the latter when the moral right thing is the former.
I can't get into a Bible discussion on this forum with you Donnie. It is not allowed. I was not calling anyone swine. My point was that Jesus was telling his followers to exercise good judgement or discerment. When Jesus said to not judge for the reaon I mentioned previously he was also talking to the religious leaders of the day who did think they were better than other people. He was telling his followers not to be like them. As far as a man thinking he is a woman, that in my opinion is delusional. If he has a penis and X and Y chromosomes then he is a biological male. There are only two genders and when they mate and reproduce offspring the species continues. If that is confusing to someone then I feel sorry for them, but I do not hate them. If a guy is sexually attracted to other men that is his own business. I will never understand how he could look at a beautiful woman and not have any interest or desire for her, but I do not have to understand. It is not my circus and not my monkeys to worry about. I do hate the anti-American far left indoctrination that is common place in our schools these days. There is no longer room for diversity of thought.

As Thomas Sowell said "One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many people are unable to make a coherent argument. They vent their emotions, question other people's motives, make bold assertions, repeat slogans; anything except reason." Sowell studied economics under Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell was actually a Marxist at the time. When asked in an interview why he changed his mind about Marxisim he simply answered "facts."

It is not my circus and not my monkeys to worry about.


Not sure why you had to type so many words when the statement above
says everything about you that anyone would need to know.

Not sure why you had to type so many words when the statement above
says everything about you that anyone would need to know.
I can't tell if you are reading something into that which was not there in the first place. It is slang for saying not my business and not my problem.
@HEMI Cooper
John Paul Jones of Zeppelin once woke up in bed with.......

Well, the lyrics of the song say it all.
The name was changed to protect the guilty. :LOL:

One time love, take care how you use it
Try to make it last all night
And if you take your pick
Be careful how you choose it
Sometimes it's hard to feel it bite

A man I know, went down to Louisiana
Had himself a bad, bad fight
And when the sun peeked through
John Cameron with Suzanna
He kissed the whiskers, left and right

Now, now, now, fright subsides
Out at a hotel in the quarter
Our friends check in to pass the night
Now love gets hot, but fire preceded water
Poor whiskers set that room alight
You forgot the 3rd verse.

Down on Bourbon street, you know it's right
You can see my friend
They run around all through the night
Most everywhere
Until the closet's bare
Run for the razor burn
Doing up my hair
New Orleans queens
Sure know how to schmooze it
Maybe for some that seems alright
When I step out
Strut down with my sugar
She'd best not talk like Barry White!
