How to make your AMP'S TUBES last LONGER! Dr. Z amps

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I’m curious to try. I use a UPS that has AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation) so it maintains a steady output. It’s a consumer UPS so it’s not as good as a commercial UPS, but for an Amp with nothing else on it I think it works fine. I have a conditioner off the UPS and all 8 of my amps plugged into the conditioner.

Seems worth a try to put a variac in there and see how it may work. What voltage or ballpark voltage is good? 110v or otters?
My modded JCA20 is going on like 11 years with the same EL84’s. I play the amp daily and quite often it is on for 5+ hours when I play it. Tubes still test good. I do use a brown box though.
Hey Dave, I was always curious on the brown box... all the demos are usually clean or fender amps so makes me think its not for high gain guys... curious on your thoughts for high gain amps like Friedmans/Mesa etc
Hey Dave, I was always curious on the brown box... all the demos are usually clean or fender amps so makes me think its not for high gain guys... curious on your thoughts for high gain amps like Friedmans/Mesa etc
I really don't play any clean, high gain is my jam. Ever have an amp that sounds great one day, a little squish and just the right amount of sizzle? Then play it the next day, and it's brash sounding and stiff feeling? It might be the wall voltage in your house or rehearsal space. I was pretty shocked at the difference.
I really don't play any clean, high gain is my jam. Ever have an amp that sounds great one day, a little squish and just the right amount of sizzle? Then play it the next day, and it's brash sounding and stiff feeling? It might be the wall voltage in your house or rehearsal space. I was pretty shocked at the difference.
Yeah I have and have been kicking around the idea of brownbox for awhile. Fk it.. I'm gonna order one lol
Yeah I have and have been kicking around the idea of brownbox for awhile. Fk it.. I'm gonna order one lol
I have sold many amps I wish I could have back, I bet they were really sensitive to input voltage. After watching my wall voltage, it ranges almost 10V day to day. Lame. :thumbsdown:
Looks like this just came out... It can increase voltage too apparently. I would have ordered but asking my rep if he can get me free shipping to Hawaii lol

Is it free shipping for you? I was getting a $20 fedex charge popup and was like.. ah fak
Is it free shipping for you? I was getting a $20 fedex charge popup and was like.. ah fak

yeah, was free shipping in the cont US. I already have 2 of the older boxes, but something that can add voltage interests me a lot. There are days when my neighbor is welding car parts, and my V drops to 114V.
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Yeah I have and have been kicking around the idea of brownbox for awhile. Fk it.. I'm gonna order one lol
Let us know your thoughts when you get it. I'm thinking the Brownie can't go as low as the BrownBox if that is necessary.
Hey Dave, I was always curious on the brown box... all the demos are usually clean or fender amps so makes me think its not for high gain guys... curious on your thoughts for high gain amps like Friedmans/Mesa etc
I use it all of the time to maintain a specific voltage. I prefer my amps at 115 volts. I bias to this voltage as well. Most amps I own run on 117v and my house gets as high as 126 volts.
Looks like this just came out... It can increase voltage too apparently. I would have ordered but asking my rep if he can get me free shipping to Hawaii lol

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This reads it can get to +5 / -7 volts. As mentioned, my house has been as high as 126 volts, so it isn’t useful since that would only get me to 119 volts. I also run my rack at the same time as an amp head, so I need more than 2a.
nice to hear him say preamp tubes don't need replacing often... i don't replace mine often and don't tend to notice changes in tone either
A variac is not a voltage regulator. A variac just steps down or up voltage with a rated current capability but the rise or fall of the source voltage still causes a rise or fall of voltage on the secondary. A voltage regulator does exactly what it says. Neither are to be confused with power conditioners.
Can you please give me a short lesson on all these devices used to affect electricity that goes into the amp? Conditioners, voltage regulators and the like.
Can you please give me a short lesson on all these devices used to affect electricity that goes into the amp? Conditioners, voltage regulators and the like

Yeah sure.

Voltage regulator: maintains a set AC wall voltage output that does not fluctuate with the input. The source voltage is allowed to increase or decrease. The current on the output is allowed to fluctuate but the voltage is not.

Power conditioner: cleans up a sine wave so that it’s a pure sinusoid. AC waves can have noise on them caused by appliances or even issues in other people’s houses. They also provide isolation from each device that is plugged into them.

Variac: a step up or step down transformer. You set the output voltage RATIO. Changes in input voltage are seen on the output since a variac is a variable turns RATIO device. Variacs can provide isolation from whatever is connected to them so they are actually decent noise isolators although they aren’t to be confused with power conditioners. They can also be used as isolation transformers if ground is lifted but that’s super damn dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing (more for those performing repairs with expensive bench equipment)
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Let us know your thoughts when you get it. I'm thinking the Brownie can't go as low as the BrownBox if that is necessary.
Yeah was looking at the whole amprx line today, mainly the brownie vs browbox, seems it can only go down 7volts which should be good for me. I don't run vintage amps unless you count a 1980 Sunn Enforcer as vintage lol. I'm thinking I want to run my Friedmans/Fryette etc at 117 or maybe a little lower. I am so curious how it will sound, cause there are definitely days that my amp might sound sterile and some days its the complete opposite. And my SW rep came thru and sent a link with free shipping to Hawaii... ordered!
While I love the brown box, the cheaper and more exact way to achieve what you want is a variac with a digital volt meter plugged into it as well. This way you can get EXACT voltages.
Yeah sure.

Voltage regulator: maintains a set AC wall voltage output that does not fluctuate with the input. The source voltage is allowed to increase or decrease. The current on the output is allowed to fluctuate but the voltage is not.

Power conditioner: cleans up a sine wave so that it’s a pure sinusoid. AC waves can have noise on them caused by appliances or even issues in other people’s houses. They also provide isolation from each device that is plugged into them.

Variac: a step up or step down transformer. You set the output voltage RATIO. Changes in input voltage are seen on the output since a variac is a variable turns RATIO device. Variacs can provide isolation from whatever is connected to them so they are actually decent noise isolators although they aren’t to be confused with power conditioners. They can also be used as isolation transformers if ground is lifted but that’s super damn dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing (more for those performing repairs with expensive bench equipment)
Big thanks!

So for best results you combine a voltage regulator with a power conditioner?
Can’t speak on tube life, but ever since I tested my wall voltage and found my voltage bouncing from 123v-126v I bought a voltage regulator/transformer.
I’ve found after trying different voltages, I kept going back to 117v, to me, that’s my sweet spot.

I’ve sold off some good amps before finding out this information. High voltage can make an amp sound harsh.
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