I can't tap my foot while playing!! Help :(

Timing is a big deal IMO, next to note selection this is the most important thing. It can be fixed. Get a metronnome and use it every day, tap your foot at the same time. Look at Angus Young his leg moves in time constantly, listen to his timing, he sits right on the groove. Some of the Paul Gilbert tutorials have really helped me with my timing.
I had the same problem until I bought a diezel herbert..
just kidding...

But indeed I had the same problem a while back. The only cure for me was to start using a metronome and really figure out what BPM I am playing to.. Sometimes I would start composing music without using metronome and it would sound great.. then I would set a BPM on the metronome and I would find out that even though my riffs sounding good the verse would be in a completely different tempo than the chorus even though it did not feel the way when I was putting those together :)

From that point onwards I always played to metronome, I let myself feel the rhytm, I sometimes bounce my head, sometimes I let my feet tap, it does not really matter whether your whole body moves or just the foot, but it's essential that you know your groove and feel it and you may only do so when you know your tempo, beat, groove. There's so many guys who are awesome shredders, but sometimes they are simply standing there like a dick in warm water and if you listen to what they play, their usually completely out of tempo, their 1/8 notes are not 1/8 notes but something in between, they do not feel the rhytm at all, it's just some fast wankery..

your metronome is your buddy
As a guy who can suffer from shit timing myself (especially while playing alone), don't worry about tapping your foot; it will be out of time, as well :LOL: :LOL:

Follow Stramm's advice :thumbsup:
It is awkward for me to tap my toe like a lot o folks do. It is easier to tap the heel, sway with the beat or click my teeth ;)
Lord Toneking":izh5s7bi said:
Ok, my timing is horrendous. I play by ear...always have. I'm tired of having this horrible timing issue but I simply cannot tap my foot, sing, talk, chew gum or anything while playing guitar :aww:

What advice can you give that will help this issue. I mean who can't tap their damn foot while they play?!? :confused: :doh:

I can tap my foot, but unless the guitar part is absurdly simple, I too can't even talk while playing, never mind sing (which is odd, because I can sing and play piano sort of).

I guess just start with a really simple riff and start tapping your foot on the 1? And just go from there.
Zap":266cx87k said:
Metronome? If it makes you feel any better, I can't talk and play at the same time either.

Yeah-if you can play in time to a track or with a drummer/band or when playing alone using a Metronome - nobody gives a
_____ whether you can tap your foot or not.

So a metronome should be a good substitute.

I developed a sharp sense of time from doing overdubs and tracks in studios and portastudios and never

tapped my foot or chewed gum and walked while playing...
Lord Toneking":3vs42i2q said:
Ok, my timing is horrendous. I play by ear...always have. I'm tired of having this horrible timing issue but I simply cannot tap my foot, sing, talk, chew gum or anything while playing guitar :aww:

What advice can you give that will help this issue. I mean who can't tap their damn foot while they play?!? :confused: :doh:
Just swap over to drums. That way you will have peers that really understand your problem :LOL: :LOL:
supersonic":cl6ovw6w said:
Timing is a big deal IMO, next to note selection this is the most important thing. It can be fixed. Get a metronnome and use it every day, tap your foot at the same time. Look at Angus Young his leg moves in time constantly, listen to his timing, he sits right on the groove. Some of the Paul Gilbert tutorials have really helped me with my timing.

I agree with everything here, except I respectfully disagree with one thing...
I've come to believe timing is even above note selection. You can have the most beautiful melodies, slickest ideas, but unless your playing fits tight within a groove, people will not respond to it.
If you can't tap, do Angus style.
He does what he does mainly for keeping tempo. His whole body is the metronome.
Just concentrate on this while playing:

Enjolras56":24alnitf said:
supersonic":24alnitf said:
Timing is a big deal IMO, next to note selection this is the most important thing. It can be fixed. Get a metronnome and use it every day, tap your foot at the same time. Look at Angus Young his leg moves in time constantly, listen to his timing, he sits right on the groove. Some of the Paul Gilbert tutorials have really helped me with my timing.

I agree with everything here, except I respectfully disagree with one thing...
I've come to believe timing is even above note selection. You can have the most beautiful melodies, slickest ideas, but unless your playing fits tight within a groove, people will not respond to it.
Ah yes but without notes these is no time!