I have officially RE joined the Egnater Brigade

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hal9000":b131a said:
Tony, that's one of the coolest looking amps I've seen! :)

Thanks mang :)

I was hoping it would be delivered this week, but it is coming from the west coast, so it won't arrive til Monday.

BUT.....I am not scheduled to travel next week!!!!! woohoo :cool: :thumbsup: :D
She arrived yestarday and is everythign I expected. I don't notice much difference from the MOD100, but haven't cranked her yet... maybe that is when the extra MOJO kicks in :D

I never got a chance to play a SL2 when I had the MOD100... it is EXCELLENT at the high gain Marshall thing. I actually prefer channel A, which has a little less gain and feels tighter.

The DLX is, of course, excellent... I have is set for channel a to be ultra clean and channel b the gain is cranked to do the dirty bluesy thing.

Can't wait to get the E Rect module I ordered. Having Bruce tighten the bottom a bit.

The MHG is still my least favorite high gain module. I am sending it off to Bruce to have it modified to the Randall Ultra XL specs with a little tighter bottom.

All in all, I am sooooooo happy I have another MOD ;)
More people are interested in "My dog just farted" than this.....

:lol: :lol:
snider":eb65d said:
Great amp!! Bruce makes killer stuff. I have a pair of the matching (giant) 1X12s for sale if interested. V30 loaded. Two tone exactly like the head.Huge sounding cabs.

Thanks man, but I am pretty much set on cabs right now.
Great amp you have!
Funny that tastes differ, I dig MHG (stock) module most for metal stuff, I found it to be tight, even with bass boos on 1. Gain at noon , Bass at noon, middle at noon or 1-2 o'clock, treble at noon. Bright ON 1, Bass boost on 1. Is my usual settings with channel A. Killer heavy rhythm sound.

Erect is best for chugga chugga heavy sounds.

SL2 covers marshally sounds and rock / vintage metal well...
Kingkong":76c8b said:
Great amp you have!
Funny that tastes differ, I dig MHG (stock) module most for metal stuff, I found it to be tight, even with bass boos on 1. Gain at noon , Bass at noon, middle at noon or 1-2 o'clock, treble at noon. Bright ON 1, Bass boost on 1. Is my usual settings with channel A. Killer heavy rhythm sound.

Erect is best for chugga chugga heavy sounds.

SL2 covers marshally sounds and rock / vintage metal well...

I have tried everything I know how to make the MHG sound good to me and it just doesn't. Doesn't mean it is a bad module, just not for me.

Can't wait to get it back modded to the Ultra XL specs :thumbsup: