I just want to be like Vlad!

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ratter":5224e said:

Pot...no idea. Can't find a value stamped on it. Filter caps are O-riginal! No signs of leakage, but yeah, they're oooold.

I think what I'll do is take the master out completely and see how I like it with just the HP. Then if I want to try the master again, I'll buy a new good pot, or the kit from Metro...

I think mine is 500k... The Metro kit is good. Just order the type II PPIMV.
duesentrieb":31fe7 said:
Safety for the tubes mostly.
Your SGRs are old (and worn). Just use 1k/5 Watt ceramics and keep the old resistors if you should sell it again . . .
. . .although a lot of Rs and Cs had been replaced already, so it doesn't matter if you improve the safety by adding four new Rs IMO.

Of course some guys are way too anal about the originality status of amps . . .

Yeah, I'm not very worried about the originality, obviously. I knew this amp would be a bit of a project...thanks!