I played a JVM at GC in Las Vegas today!!

ampjunkie":b17db said:

I've owned both. The Splawn and Cameron both do hot marshall tones. How are they not in the same ballpark?

I've owned all three as well...like J.B.'s recent clips ? thats my old Cameron.

Anyway, the Cameron is a modded Marshall, Scott's amp is his own thing, but to me anyway it's not near the quality of the tones the Cameron produces. The JVM is a Marshall.

For me, I think I like the available tone of the Cameron best, but far and away think the JVM is a better rig because of how versatile it is. There's way more going on with it. I've no doubt if Mark actually gets his line off the ground it will be mind boggling. Thats no slam on Mark, justthe difficulties of bringing a product to market, and I do believe he has more than enough talent needed to get the design done.

Steve E
simbasa":0f687 said:
:|::QBB:I have Einstein..fantastic tones but limited features. It's not really an aggressive tone like JVM- more smooth and not as tight. It can do brutal detuned riffs with depth control turned way up but for aggressive shred lead playing the JVM is a better choice. Einstein sounds like it can't quite keep up when I'm doing the speed demon shredding. It sure has beautiful tone, though.

You definitely need to spend quality time with these amps to tweak them to their full advantage. It took me a couple of weeks with JVM to get the most I could and I am still tweaking Einstein after 8 months. These amps deserve more than a 5 minute playtime at GC, I can tell you that.

When I got my JVM I thought it was pretty good, but I wasn't fond of it for lead tones, it was very thin on the high notes, and just sounded flat. Then I checked the bias and found that it was set at 42 on one side, and 55 on the other. About half what it was supposed to be. I set the bias at 70 per side and it was a totally different amp. I wonder how many bad reviews are because of the bias drifting during the boat ride over?
Marshall Freak":6d04d said:

When I got my JVM I thought it was pretty good, but I wasn't fond of it for lead tones, it was very thin on the high notes, and just sounded flat. Then I checked the bias and found that it was set at 42 on one side, and 55 on the other. About half what it was supposed to be. I set the bias at 70 per side and it was a totally different amp. I wonder how many bad reviews are because of the bias drifting during the boat ride over?
Not to mention different cabs, new speakers, etc,etc. The guy who bought mine tried out a JVM in the store after trying mine first. He said mine was better - less fizzy. He tried mine through my well worn Vintage 30 cab and the store was a new cab. Not to mention I also had my settings tweaked to their best after a few weeks of experimenting. So many things to change your tone and so many store employees who don't properly set up and maintain equipment.