I suck with a metronome

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Just practice with real backing tracks instead . You will learn timing better that way if you don’t like metronome . It works with my students

I’m coming back to say I can play along with recorded music and band members just fine. But alone? When I’m practicing etudes on my classical G? Nah. I’m all over the fuckin place lol.
When I’m recording some new song I wrote, there are inadvertant tempo changes.
Now, I’m going back to hating this thread lol.
I’m coming back to say I can play along with recorded music and band members just fine. But alone? When I’m practicing etudes on my classical G? Nah. I’m all over the fuckin place lol.
When I’m recording some new song I wrote, there are inadvertant tempo changes.
Now, I’m going back to hating this thread lol.

We can all relate I'm sure, and when my buffer size in Logic is too high it has a bit of latency and dammm that SUCKS too
Thats why I got a Ultra Mac with tons of Horsepower, seems to help with that and other things lol
Maybe I have the benefit of being a band kid and having following the beat drilled into me, but it's much easier for me to keep in time with a backing track vs a metronome. Strictly for exercises, of course a metronome is a must.
Got real humbled by my attempts to record for riff warzz earlier and ended up practicing with my metronome today. Nice and slow.