I want something other than my 20 shades of Marshall, but what?

  • Thread starter Thread starter gybe!
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Strictly out of curiosity, what did you not like about the Recto's you've tried?

If I had to guess, based on the modded ones you did own, that they were TOO clinical (ie. lacking bloom/3D/breathing, whatever)?

What about a regular run of the mill recto on orange channel for example?

I like the Engl and Diezel recommendations. You've listed what you've already owned so maybe you Edit'd that in. Otherwise, some people just can't read.

Have you tried any EVH?

PS: Rectos + Marshall tone = sex
I typically really like rectos+marshalls recorded, but when I am playing a recto I find the gain on the high end to be too grainy/fizzy and almost feel like it’s “on top” of the signal as opposed to part of it (and have run them using presence as treble and treble control as presence). Very similar to putting a sm57 on the wrong part of a speaker. I know these are also all the qualities that make it actually work in a mix but playing on my own it tends to be a turn off so I never play it and move on from them.
You might like a bad cat which typically get more of their DNA from a vox amp. The Lynx model is definitely different from Marshall in terms of its high gain.
It depends, what tones do you like besides marshall dna tones?

Just from your post, off the top of my head, Engl stuff - especially the Inferno, Artist, and Savage - Hiwatt Hi Gain 100, Wizard Hell Razor, and probably the IIC+ reissue
I second the Engl. I'd go full-on Savage.
You might like a bad cat which typically get more of their DNA from a vox amp. The Lynx model is definitely different from Marshall in terms of its high gain.
Had a Lynx for awhile, pretty cool but didn’t stick around for more than a few months. That may be a different story today considering how the rig has grown, but I also don’t feel any need to revisit it