Ibanez S-Series Guitars


New member
Hey guys,

I'm thinking about buying an S-Series guitar. I played one the other day in a local guitar shop and thought it played great! I just wish it had 24 frets instead of 22.

What do you guys think about them? This is one I want to get:
I have two an S520 and a S470DXQM. I like them both but the 470 is for sale (see spam thread) becuase it's not black. :mrgreen:
I had a 1997 S540 model, it was great. The Wizard I necks make my wrist sore after a while though, because they're paper thin.
Do yourself a favor and try to get an older model. The new S series guitars are made in Korea, even the Prestige ones. Granted, the quality is good, but the problem is you'll have a harder time finding a real good one unlike the MIJ Prestige RG series guitars. They just moved all their S series guitars to Korea this year.
I owned a Ibanez Prestige S2075, made in Korea, and it was an awesome playing guitar. It had the Wizard II Prestige neck the satin(?) finish on the neck was just smoooooth. Really nice guitar. I wish I could have kept it and changed the pups out. I sold it and the Vox AD50VT I had to fund the Blackmore for the most part.


The ZR Trem was pretty nice too. They offer the S470 in black now as well.
Oh wow, that's a beautiful guitar! What's bad about the Korean guitars that they make now? I've never tried an earlier model so I don't know where they were made or what the differences are...
I had an S370 about 2 years ago, and it was made in Korea, if I remember correctly..

I wasn't too happy with the neck, but I regret getting rid of it.

I had this one:

I'm not sure when they started with the Wizard II necks on the S series. I thought they all had Wizard II until someone showed me otherwise.

Maybe they got Wizard II necks when they got the curvy inlays?
I've played a few of the S-series and always thought they were pretty nice guitas. I personally always like the RG's better though.
I have one, it's my only guitar aside from my acoustic. As with some people had mentioned: my only regret is the 24 fret problem. Aside from that, it would have been a perfect guitar for me. I can't afford a new guitar so I'm stuck with it.

I have a S470 in Ice Blue before they went out of production
Had an S520 with wizard 2 neck, ZR trem, great playing guitar, awesome for long sets (light weight). I swapped the stock pickups out for L500's and it was a great sounding/playing guitar.
I have a S470, wonderful guitars. I agree though that after several months still the Wizard 2 neck does feel a bit odd. Overall nice guitars, necks some adjustment to and if you can live without 24 frets [kinda a regret for me]
The neck is what I loved about my Saber so much. It was thinner than my V, and was a different scale...plus it had a satin finish and played sos smooth.

I wouldn't mind owning another Saber one day when I have the $$ and can swap out the pickups to something more to my liking. It was a Korean Prestige, but the quality was excellent...I couldn't find any flaws.
I've been wanting an s1220, ever since I saw a pic of one on the web someplace. Maybe someday. They are great guitars, and very comfortable to play.
I have a S7420FM.... I like it... great neck, the pickups are not bad.... the only thing wrong with it is the crappy Lo-TRS 7 bridge.

Had the Frank Gambale S model. That guitar was set up great! Fast neck with great action. Very happy with it, but it was stolen in college. :x


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