Id like to apologize

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One step back… why the thread br00tz boy?

isn't it obvious you moron? Isn't it obvious why I started that thread? Because once you start going down the road of personal threats, and asking for peoples addresses, its clearly hilarious that something so minuscule and that has no effect on your life in the least gets you THAT riled up. And a few others here. I started that thread INITIALLY because I thought it was an interesting take. But when you, and the other 2c+ clown show decided it to take it wayyyyy too far and take it personally like im the one who did the interview, that's where it becomes hilarious. You have been having a meltdown over this since I started the thread like an absolute liberal crybaby who didn't get his way. literally, ever since that thread. which is why I say its as a mark 3 every chance I get, because you are a deranged softie who gets bent out of shape and DM's people like a drunk asshole when someone says something on the internet that you just KNOW in your heart is wrong. Who wouldn't find that hilarious? A fucking guitar amp....a god damn amp.....makes you lose that much sleep, and get drunk and DM me and threaten me. You are an absolute fucking clown of a human being if that's all it takes to get you to start drunk DMing people on a fucking guitar forum...a GUITAR FORUM.


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isn't it obvious you moron? Isn't it obvious why I started that thread? Because once you start going down the road of personal threats, and asking for peoples addresses, its clearly hilarious that something so minuscule and that has no effect on your life in the least gets you THAT riled up. And a few others here. I started that thread INITIALLY because I thought it was an interesting take. But when you, and the other 2c+ clown show decided it to take it wayyyyy too far and take it personally like im the one who did the interview, that's where it becomes hilarious. You have been having a meltdown over this since I started the thread like an absolute liberal crybaby who didn't get his way. literally, ever since that thread. which is why I say its as a mark 3 every chance I get, because you are a deranged softie who gets bent out of shape and DM's people like a drunk asshole when someone says something on the internet that you just KNOW in your heart is wrong. Who wouldn't find that hilarious? A fucking guitar amp....a god damn amp.....makes you lose that much sleep, and get drunk and DM me and threaten me. You are an absolute fucking clown of a human being if that's all it takes to get you to start drunk DMing people on a fucking guitar forum...a GUITAR FORUM.
For those who refuse to read that blob of meaningless shit….he admitted he likes to stir up shit. Thanks finally!! Now, I know 100% you won’t quit posting you rabid hyena, but I’m out and done with your worthless ass. Peace out motherfucker, hahaha.

PS Go brush the teeth you have left. Ya breath smells like dick again…
For those who refuse to read that blob of meaningless shit….he admitted he likes to stir up shit. Thanks finally!! Now, I know 100% you won’t quit posting you rabid hyena, but I’m out and done with your worthless ass. Peace out motherfucker, hahaha.

PS Go brush the teeth you have left. Ya breath smells like dick again…


I like stirring up shit with YOU, when YOU decided to be a drunk disaster of a person and start DMing me threats. Yes, you’re right. At that point, I absolutely love stirring up shit with you: the lowest common denominator here on this board. And the few people who take shit too seriously. Look at yourself, and realize you are crying because I “ like to stir shit up” on a guitar forum…. THAT is what you’re crying about. And even if it was true, who the fuck gets that mad to be a drunk idiot and DM threats on the internet? Don’t worry, I’ve noticed you’ve failed to once recognize that in this entire thread: because I’m sure ( hopefully) you realize how much of an absolute dumbass you are. Talk about a liberal crybaby: “mommy he stirs stuff up on the internet, now I’m mad!”

This is the second time you’ve said you were done with me and this thread. Take your fucking ball and go home you crybaby. We broke up. It’s over.
This went the full 5 rounds...
Lots of peaks & valleys!!
Points were delivered.
Faces were slapped.
Probably going to the score cards
for a judges decision

I’m totally in. Doubt VESectomy is! Too much keyboard time makes a dull boy her/she. Maybe he won’t copy my digs this time…

How are you gonna fucking record anything? The entrance fee is actually being able to plug in your computer interface, I’m not sure you can do that. While your newest wannabe mark 3 clip is spectacularly fucking awful, I do have pity on you for being such a technologically challenged dunce. If you can even turn on your computer, let me know. And none of this single track horseshit. Anyone can do that shit.
How are you gonna fucking record anything? The entrance fee is actually being able to plug in your computer interface, I’m not sure you can do that. While your newest wannabe mark 3 clip is spectacularly fucking awful, I do have pity on you for being such a technologically challenged dunce. If you can even turn on your computer, let me know. And none of this single track horseshit. Anyone can do that shit.
How about the sad but true clip I crushed you on? This is so good. You forgot about that one “along with your positive comment” in said thread. You suck, you are dumb, and you just owned yourself. Thx VESucksdickAsAsidehustle!
How about the sad but true clip I crushed you on? This is so good. You forgot about that one “along with your positive comment” in said thread. You suck, you are dumb, and you just owned yourself. Thx VESucksdickAsAsidehustle!

Dude you are such a dumb drunk fucking idiot, I literally can tell how hammered you are just by your unsteady walk and your shitty ass timing in your mark 3 video. You keep talking about this sad but true clip, I have zero clue what you are getting at in the least. Another prime example of your obsession with me. Let me know when you learn how to turn on your computer so I can play along. Until then, enjoy your obesssion with me, and apparently with Metallica…who the fuck owns a Roland JC-120 😂😂😂. Imagine what you could accomplish if you developed your OWN identity instead of fantasizing about blowing Kirk Hammett.

Also, stop skipping leg day you drunk.
Dude you are such a dumb drunk fucking idiot, I literally can tell how hammered you are just by your unsteady walk and your shitty ass timing in your mark 3 video. You keep talking about this sad but true clip, I have zero clue what you are getting at in the least. Another prime example of your obsession with me. Let me know when you learn how to turn on your computer so I can play along. Until then, enjoy your obesssion with me, and apparently with Metallica…who the fuck owns a Roland JC-120 😂😂😂. Imagine what you could accomplish if you developed your OWN identity instead of fantasizing about blowing Kirk Hammett.

Also, stop skipping leg day you drunk.
Hey! You’re finally right! I do love Metallica and the JC 120. I’m a bedroom player. I have zero aspirations to be in a band or accomplished guitar player. I want to cop the tones of my favorite bands! Again your ignorance shines bright. The vast majority of guitar players fall into this category like it or not. Don’t you realize this fact? Lol
Hey! You’re finally right! I do love Metallica and the JC 120. I’m a bedroom player. I have zero aspirations to be in a band or accomplished guitar player. I want to cop the tones of my favorite bands! Again your ignorance shines bright. The vast majority of guitar players fall into this category like it or not. Don’t you realize this fact? Lol

You are literally never gonna get your tones of your favorite bands in your bedroom. The irony of you asking me what I’m aware of and what I’m not after making a comment like “ I want to cop the tones of my favorite bands” is fucking hillarious. I’m not making a career out of this either, idiot. I just have spent the time to learn the reality of how those tones are created. Even your lazy drunk ass could learn something outside of your bedroom wankery. Yes, I’m the ignorant one here. Totally. I just got owned by the guy who thinks he’s getting his favorite tones in his bedroom… you got me pal!
You are literally never gonna get your tones of your favorite bands in your bedroom. The irony of you asking me what I’m aware of and what I’m not after making a comment like “ I want to cop the tones of my favorite bands” is fucking hillarious. I’m not making a career out of this either, idiot. I just have spent the time to learn the reality of how those tones are created. Even your lazy drunk ass could learn something outside of your bedroom wankery. Yes, I’m the ignorant one here. Totally. I just got owned by the guy who thinks he’s getting his favorite tones in his bedroom… you got me pal!

How about the sad but true clip I crushed you on? This is so good. You forgot about that one “along with your positive comment” in said thread. You suck, you are dumb, and you just owned yourself. Thx VESucksdickAsAsidehustle!

That's one of my all time favorite riffs.

So simple. So perfect.