If Black Lives Matter

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Furthermoore. CHINA
take my wife & welcome to the COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OF CHINA.


thanks Pals for hijacking capitalism shadowed by your plagiarized 'cloned' U.S. (as we are the inventors of everything on this here planet) products and massive $$$debt.

Keepin' it real. :rock:
Giga.Blast":258ghkyl said:
Furthermoore. CHINA
take my wife & welcome to the COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OF CHINA.


thanks Pals for hijacking capitalism shadowed by your plagiarized 'cloned' U.S. (as we are the inventors of everything on this here planet) products and massive $$$debt.

Keepin' it real. :rock:
Basketball is a BASKET CASE & the NBA are FUCKING HUGE LYING HYPOCRITES. They're ALL ABOUT CHINAH & its market & they say fuck the USA people & their hypocritical woke ways. :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim:

Nike is a terrorist company & really not interested in the US. They too are fucking hypocrites who should be cancelled.
Colin Kaperfuck is the worst (50/50 =) blite hypocrite & doesn't want to play anyway. :powpow: :powpow: :powpow: :powpow:

I wouldn't buy a Nike product NO MATTER what. :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

'Nike Products Don't Matter' \:D/

FFS, I'd even play pocket billiards with Goat before I'd hoop a ball with those NBA assholes. :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup:
I apologize for losing my humanity as such my Rudder. :no:

Dear god. I’ve watched that Chaplin video probably 10 times this year.
He speaks the truth. Like looking into the future.
Mailman1971":1qzdzuhk said:
Dear god. I’ve watched that Chaplin video probably 10 times this year.
He speaks the truth. Like looking into the future.
I love Charlie. He's always so entertaining.

On a side note. Did you catch Bill Barr on the televised TV program THE GREAT ONE with virion-esque host Mr. Mark Levin ? :)


Enter the new IHOP BLM Sandwich. :)

1 per customer. :gethim:




All Welcome

Yawl Eat What Yawl Get! :)


HAND Yawl :)
The Color of Crime:
• Black males age 18-35 years of age are only 1.8% of the U.S. population, yet have committed 52% of homicides from 1980-2008. Black males (all ages) are only 6% of the U.S. population, yet commit 46% of all violent crimes, and 50% of the gun homicides. If Blacks were removed from the equation, the U.S. gun homicide rate would be equal to Great Britain’s, who have some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world.
• The Black homicide rate is 17 per 100,000, a rate over 9x that of the White rate, and comparable to some of those most murderous countries in the world. If the homicide rate for the U.S. were the White-only rate, the homicide rate would drop 84%, making the U.S. rate comparable to European countries.
• According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2018 survey of criminal victimization, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between Blacks and Whites last year, including White-on-Black and Black-on-White attacks. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and Whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent.
• Blacks constitute 13% of the U.S. population, but represent 27% of all criminal activity in the U.S.
• According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting for 2018, of the homicide victims for whom race was known, 53.3% were Black, 43.8% were White and 2.8% were of other races. In cases where the race of the offender was known, 54.9% were Black, 42.4% were White, and 2.7% were of other races.
• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving Blacks and Whites, Blacks commit 85 percent and Whites commit 15 percent. This means that a Black is 27 times more likely to attack a White person than vice versa.
• For each one standard deviation increase in proportion of Black population, firearm homicide rate is increased by 82.8%. Therefore, the U.S. has a Black problem, not a gun or violent crime problem. When Blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-Blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• 40% of gun crime occurs in just three cities: 596 (10%) – St Louis, MO, 53 (11%) – Detroit, MI, and 1,527 (27%) – Chicago, IL.
• Murder is the leading cause of death for Black men, ages 15 to 34. Their murderers are other Black men 93 percent of the time.
• Black males between 16-35 years of age are only 2.0% of the population, yet commit 72% of the street crime in America.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is Black.
• If New York City were all White, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent. In an all-White Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
• Every year, approximately 6,000 blacks are murdered. This is a number greater than white and Hispanic homicide victims combined, even though blacks are only 12 percent of the national population. Blacks of all ages are killed at six times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. That black death-by-homicide rate is a function of the black crime rate. The national rate of homicides committed by blacks is eight times that of whites and Hispanics combined. Black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at 10 times the rate of white and Hispanic male teens combined.
• Homicide is not the only crime that is vastly racially disproportionate. New York City is representative of other crime spreading across the country. Blacks are 23 percent of New York’s population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime, according to the victims of, and witnesses to, those crimes. Whites are 33 percent of the New York City’s population, but they commit less than 2 percent of all shootings, 4 percent of all robberies, and 5 percent of all violent crime.
• The United States is third in murders throughout the world, but if you omit just five Black cities (Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, St Louis, and New Orleans) from the equation, then the United States is fourth from the bottom.
• Black serial killers have comprised over half of documented serial killers since the dawn of the 21st century at 56 percent, making up a total of 40 percent in years dating back to 1900. Blacks constituted 44% of the known serial killers during the 1995-2004 period and 38.2% of all multiple murderers (serial, mass, and spree combined) during 1976-1998 period. During the 2000-2010 decade, 62% of serial killers were Black.
The Mayor of Chicago and the Governor of Illinois need to be locked up. These shits allow murder, rape and destruction all in the name of the libtards needing votes anyway they can get it.
LOSERS, all of them!
Sitedrifter":2lwbjix5 said:
The Mayor of Chicago and the Governor of Illinois need to be locked up. These shits allow murder, rape and destruction all in the name of the libtards needing votes anyway they can get it.
LOSERS, all of them!

Kunts, ALL of them.

It'll be VERY interesting if Trump gets a second term. If he does, I believe he'll go nuts & lock these people up
as he has nothing to lose as he can't run again anyway.

His second term will end with HUGE MUCH NEEDED changes.
WGAF":27nhgw86 said:
Sitedrifter":27nhgw86 said:
The Mayor of Chicago and the Governor of Illinois need to be locked up. These shits allow murder, rape and destruction all in the name of the libtards needing votes anyway they can get it.
LOSERS, all of them!

Kunts, ALL of them.

It'll be VERY interesting if Trump gets a second term. If he does, I believe he'll go nuts & lock these people up
as he has nothing to lose as he can't run again anyway.

His second term will end with HUGE MUCH NEEDED changes.

Unfortunately, and as much of a Trump supporter that I am, I honestly believe that this election will be the most corrupt in US history and will go to the Dems. I sure hope that I'm wrong.
ElectricVoodoo":1upzs31z said:
Unfortunately, and as much of a Trump supporter that I am, I honestly believe that this election will be the most corrupt in US history and will go to the Dems. I sure hope that I'm wrong.
You aren't wrong, and obviously you are a sensible individual following your rational instinct that cannot be a bad thing logically.

Voices like yours are what keep things playing level.

I wish you could be in San Diego to enjoy the new moon ~9pm on (11/14 especial day :D ). This will occur 11 days after Trump is injected into our world once again. Trump will be rejuvenating silently preparing for preparation. :no:

Good post. :)

https://www.almanac.com/astronomy/moon/ ... go/2020-11
ElectricVoodoo":yzqkuxx4 said:
Unfortunately, and as much of a Trump supporter that I am, I honestly believe that this election will be the most corrupt in US history and will go to the Dems. I sure hope that I'm wrong.
It is possible..
They have proven time and time again that there is no lie they won't tell, no life they won't try desperately to ruin, nothing that is out of bounds in regard to keeping or gaining more political power. I'm convinced at this point that while we had a pandemic that killed people, they moved to use it and make it as severe as they could so that come the election, they could use mail in ballots because they knew they could make that work for them and really is their only chance of beating the orange reaper :lol: :LOL: Its stunning to me that anyone could be willing to admit they were a democrat at this point, it tells me they have no idea what is currently going on, or they are all in for the perceived changes and too stupid and gullible to face the reality of what those changes will bring to our country.
Its sad that so many are so stupid.. Continuing on our current path is only going to get a lot of people killed who really do think they have a chance to bring about destroying the structure of our country and don't realize they are being played from the very beginning.
Monkey Man":3q3em9us said:
Like fiddles, Jim, like fiddles. :yes:
So, I'm kinda hungry thinking about what to have for lunch. So, I'm kinda attracted (just taking a peek) to pretty black and slim tall ladies with narrow butts and I was thinking about whipping up one of my famous Bee El Tee's w/a slice of Organic Haas avocado if that matters. Gotta eat. :(
Giga.Blast":2xse17x2 said:
Monkey Man":2xse17x2 said:
Like fiddles, Jim, like fiddles. :yes:
So, I'm kinda hungry thinking about what to have for lunch. So, I'm kinda attracted (just taking a peek) to pretty black and slim tall ladies with narrow butts and I was thinking about whipping up one of my famous Bee El Tee's w/a slice of Organic Haas avocado if that matters. Gotta eat. :(

You're getting a little funnier so keep up the good fight you SD two headed Californicator!

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Oh, he's a 'fornicator alright.

Specialises in multiplication amongst other things.
Monkey Man":22y6hxwa said:
Oh, he's a 'fornicator alright.

Specialises in multiplication amongst other things.
Brother Monkey Man.

Please, I'd be much obliged if yah'd send Mr. Wally to its Inbox an invitation to bang the crap outta this crackhead répondez s'il vous plaît. :confused:

"There needs to be unrest in the streets as long as there's unrest in our lives...", she said. :lol: :LOL:

I'd love to fulfil your request of emailing her, Bubba, but I wouldn't waste the microwatts of energy it'd take to type the message, "You're unhinged" and send it via the ether. :doh:
I work in a pretty large city. Most voting spots are very restricted how many can he in ....etc.
sure you guys know the drill.
This election. Is rigged. I’m not a supporter of either. But as a postal worker. We are being TOLD to hold mail up. ‘Get it when you come back off the route...’
So being told to delay mail. So Amazon parcels can go takes priority?
Craziest thing I’ve ever seen.
:thumbsdown: :confused: