If you had to play in front of 20k people right now...

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Would you be able to do it?

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I've seen a few legend-status players and they didn't hit 100% of songs they freakin' wrote. It's live music. Imma hit about 85% and swagger on that stage like I hit 'em all with the biggest balls in town lol
I’d take the never had a 10 but had five 2’s approach

Applies to both women and playing on stage
I’d hit 90-95%, have a blast and head home to the wife and cats.
I’d hit about 55% of the notes, shit my pants to assert dominance, go home with three chicks.
I might have played in front of 20k.

I’ve played a few big outdoor festivals and it was hard to gauge.

Possibly it might have be 10-15k at the biggest festival.

I always found it easy to play in front of large crowds, because I really felt comfortable and excited to play in front of that many people.
Well I would shit my pants first…and go from there. And it’s always 50:50.
Favorite band is AIC and I only know how to play maybe, 5 of their songs? So yeah, I’d fuckin’ bomb the shit out of that. Give me a week and it’s a different story. The audience part I’m not concerned about, I was over stage fright 20 years ago, especially a sea of people like 20k, I’d be more concerned about happy energy than nervous energy.

The entire payoff I get as a result of all those years woodshedding in a bedroom and being obsessed with playing is being able to show up to any situation I signed up for objectively prepared and ready to go. There’s an initial ego thing when other people give you accolades for it, but I’m the only one who actually knows the amount of work I put into it and the gratification of that is a strong motherfucker, that’s an internal confirmation that none of my efforts were wasted time and that was a lot of fucking time.
I remember about 96' I joined a band that I didn't know any of the songs and we did a show in front of 7000 four days later. I improvise everything, even the rhythm parts. I don't have much hesitation. I could do a show tonight without knowing any of the material. I have done it many times.
Hit all the notes ? No idea what that even means.
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If I played with myself in front of 20k people, I just might get excited enough to cause another totality eclipse.
When I was younger, I'd be trying to make sure everything was perfect, etc. I'm in a punk rock type band with friends and it is great because we sre older and don't give a crap, lol. I get upset if I can't have a craft beer before the gig than screwing up.
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Can there be an option of fucking up that doesn’t involve accidental ejection of excrement
after 3 songs my left wrist would hurt like hell so hopefully it is only the opening slot and we only play 4 or 5 songs haha
I'd hit every note, but only 'cause I'm only playing one chord the whole time. The rest of the band can do whatever. I think I can say I don't really care about whether I'm on stage in front of people or not, I've performed in various settings for years at this point, but my chops aren't impressive yet. I can guitar-chop people if needed though.
I'd flub a few notes through the first song or two, then settle into my headspace and play adequately the rest of the night.
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This is a fun thread. Brings back a ton of great memories. When I started playing out, I couldn’t believe how bad the stage fright was. I loved loud / stage volume rehearsals. And I loved it when a handful of guys from other bands at the rehearsal space would pop in to listen. I was fortunate to step into an existing and very well respected band. But holy shit - the first few live gigs were just horrible for me. Didn’t know where my chops and confidence went. It took a while - and the guys were blessedly patient - but after about 4-6 weeks things really started falling into place. I would always get a big burst of adrenaline - especially for Sat night crowds and nights when we got to open for the national acts that came through - but the adrenaline no longer settled in my hands and I really learned to enjoy playing in front of crowds.