Favorite band is AIC and I only know how to play maybe, 5 of their songs? So yeah, I’d fuckin’ bomb the shit out of that. Give me a week and it’s a different story. The audience part I’m not concerned about, I was over stage fright 20 years ago, especially a sea of people like 20k, I’d be more concerned about happy energy than nervous energy.
The entire payoff I get as a result of all those years woodshedding in a bedroom and being obsessed with playing is being able to show up to any situation I signed up for objectively prepared and ready to go. There’s an initial ego thing when other people give you accolades for it, but I’m the only one who actually knows the amount of work I put into it and the gratification of that is a strong motherfucker, that’s an internal confirmation that none of my efforts were wasted time and that was a lot of fucking time.