If you were going to purchase a Kemper, AXEFX, or Synergy gear…

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Axe FX if you're comfortable with computers. Really easy to do stuff in the editor and you don't have to adjust the advanced settings. The only advanced setting I sometimes tweak is the high treble.

I didn't like the Kemper really. Lots of stuff sounded the same because it was recorded through a Mesa cab into an SM57 getting boosted with a Maxon or SD-1. You also can't really tweak stuff like a real amp. You only have so much range on the EQ before it starts to sound wrong.

The Axe seemed more intuitive to me, but if you're good at recording amps and have stuff you want to profile then the Kemper probably works well.
If I didn't already have so much gear, I'd go with a fast processor, high RAM computer, very high quality audio interface, and plugins for a rig. And a laptop / audio interface for a portable rig using the same plugins.

That would also free up a lot of space in my house.
I hate tweaking but have heard some great live tones in small clubs/bars from the Axe stuff with players who can tweak them. They can make load in and out much easier too.

Synergy for me though. I stayed away from them for a while mainly because I was big on the MTS gear years ago and spent a lot of money modding modules to end up using only one or two. Plus the RM100'S weigh a ton!

Have a SYN-1 now going into a JCM800 power section or a Powerstation. Works well for me.
Synergy - Digital Modelers are incredible Swiss army knife rigs if you need lots of 'stuff'.
If you just want a handful of killer tones then Synergy all the way.

Plus, you'll spend all your time playing instead of nose deep in a 50 page owners manual.
Amen. Simple.
I've had all 3 - Kemper, AxeFX Ultra | II | II XL | FM-3 and just recently sold my SYN-1 and half my modules to a member here.

The Kemper was cool but I don't really get using it if you're not profiling your own amps. There are some good profiles available out there, but they are dialed in on other people's rigs and never really sounded right to me.

Fractal is great, if you need all the options and effects. Their modeling is great and I sold two amps because it nailed them (EVH 50w and a Tremoverb). However, I just don't find using them to be fun. Even though the current gen is really convincing and sounds great, I just don't like that you have to press buttons and dig through menus to change simple settings. It's not as tactile as having the amp with all the EQ knobs in front of you. The effects are amazing though and worth the cost of admission alone if that's your thing - I don't really use effects.

The Synergy stuff is really good. I bought it because the thought of replacing my Mark IV with the IICP module for a lot less sounded great, plus I really wanted to try the Savage module because that's been a bucket list amp for me for years, but current prices are bonkers in the US. I had the Deliverance, VH4, Savage, BE, IICP, SLO, Ultra Lead and Uberschall.

My favorite, by far, is the Uberschall - I had a Rev Blue and a Twin Jet - the module sounds better. That said, I can get pretty close with my Bogner 101b. The Deliverance I was pretty disappointed with, it sounded similar to my SigX, but the mids were totally wrong and it lacked the hifi sound of the real thing. The Ultra Lead nailed it and I sold the SigX because it was close enough, minus the great clean channel. The IICP definitely sounds like a Mark, but it's not as aggressive as the IV. The clean on that module is, quite possibly, the best clean I've ever heard out of an amp. The VH4 I was pleasantly surprised with, it sounds way better than I remember the amp being. The BE was okay, I was hoping it'd get heavier, but I wasn't super excited about it. The SLO sounds like an SLO. Would be better if it had separate EQ controls so you could dial in two different tones. The Savage was a huge disappointment, it sounded anemic, lacked low end and wasn't as aggressive as I expected it to be.

Since I ended up liking the Uberschall the most and can get really close with the Bogner I already have, I decided to sell it. Before I did, I profiled it in ToneX, though, and it's equally as awesome.
Not often you see AXEIII and easy to use in the same sentence.
I guess if you're not coming into it completely new to the modeler world.

I mean, the current OM is 123 pages long. Granted you don't need all of them but still........

No. Been using them for a long time. Editing on the unit takes some practice. The editor makes things way easier. For me, I just found it pretty logical to use. I really did not crack a lot of the manual to be honest. I liked the work flow of the unit.

You are right though, it can be daunting at first. There are so many great Youtube vids on getting started quickly.
It’s totally dependent on what sort of workflow and UI preferences you have. They are all more than capable of getting great tones. Axe FX III if you’re more of a recording guy who likes experimenting and doesn’t get option paralysis. Synergy if you gig or are the caveman type (like myself) who needs a few core tones and physical knobs to dick around with. Kemper is great to profile amps you own/have access to, but finding 3rd party profiles is a huge rabbit hole. I also had some reliability issues with the Kemper remotes, so while it seems like the perfect gigging tool, for me I couldn’t trust it.
Axe or Synergy. Really depends on how much tweaking you’re into of different models/presets etc. Axefx is constantly getting updated, you could spend your life just fucking with minuscule things. It does sound good but my personality made me screw around more than play. Synergy I guess you could be swapping preamps all day but at least you aren’t changing the bias, power sag, bright cap etc ?
AxeFx. It has everything, does it well, easy to use and just plug in and play. For me I have only a couple presets and just play them. I’m not a tinkerer, so the simplicity of having a few patches that I really like is awesome.

I have two SYN2’s with 4 modules and really like them too. I don’t look at it as either-or, they all have things that differentiate themselves.
I noticed Rick Graham uses the same couple presets and consistently gets good tone. Plus, he has serious skills on guitar.
For bedroom jamming and recording I’m going modeler. Being able to download whatever amp, the FX, running multiple amps at once and everything else you can do is cooler to me than tubes :dunno:
I did the Randall MTS series. Wasn't that impressed compared to all my other amps in the room at the time.
I have the Kemper. I'm sure it's great for recording quickly, but prefer my UL.
Did the huge rack full of effects in the 90s. Not interested in super tweaking processors anymore so I haven't got an AXEFX.
If I had to choose, I'd get the AXEFX3 and have someone set it up for me. I ain't got time to tweak anymore.
I did the Randall MTS series. Wasn't that impressed compared to all my other amps in the room at the time.
I had a Randall RM4 with a Mesa 2:90 and an RM100 years ago. The MTS modules always left a lot to be desired. The Synergy stuff is night and day IMO. It's WAYYY better.
the randall modules at the time seemed like a great idea to me, i think it being randall though it never really had a chance, had marshall/mesa/peavey done that i bet it would have taken off more like we are seeing with synergy now
Not often you see AXEIII and easy to use in the same sentence.
I guess if you're not coming into it completely new to the modeler world.
And conversely I would guess you have never owned a Fractal. Incredibly easy to set up a 3 or 4 block preset with minimal to zero tweaking. Just because options are there doesn’t mean you need to be an expert on them. I gigged an AXE for years and had no idea what 90% of it’s capabilities worked. Didn’t need em. The learning curve is mostly around monitoring.
I would buy a Kemper at the cheapest point I could. I would send it to Daniel Travis and have him do some profles. Then have him send it back. Sorry Larry.
And conversely I would guess you have never owned a Fractal.

AX8 was my only rig for about 2 years. Just mentioned it a couple posts ago.
Recorded an album with it.

Also used a Kemper for a while - Britt's Bogner Duende was my #1 rig.
Synergy - Digital Modelers are incredible Swiss army knife rigs if you need lots of 'stuff'.
If you just want a handful of killer tones then Synergy all the way.

Plus, you'll spend all your time playing instead of nose deep in a 50 page owners manual.
Again nonsense, sorry.

That Synergy stuff costs a fortune, has no effects and no real traction that I’ve seen—who knows when the lack of sales will result in the end of life. Fractal isn’t going anywhere.
AX8 was my only rig for about 2 years. Just mentioned it a couple posts ago.
Recorded an album with it.

Also used a Kemper for a while - Britt's Bogner Duende was my #1 rig.
Wow, I was able to get a live rig set up with my AXE II in a day and a half. I guess people learn differently