I'm leaving TGP soon....

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You have got to be the dumbest fucktard to ever post on the internet... No wonder you've been banned on every site you've joined. Just a matter of time before you are gone again here, driving away possible members my accusing them of being alts... Damn, I shouldn't have said anything... Just keep doing what you're doing.

This is exactly the same thing those guys say to Donnie. Is PLX Donnie?!?

It's myopic-and-hyperbolic to assume that anything other than a small proportion of members are alts. Of those who we know about, the vast majority (practically all) of them are well-known, upstanding members who happen to have created alts for a bit of fun. Thankfully the behaviour of such peeps is good. The odd alt-troll, not-so-much.

A great example of the DS I refer to was illustrated the other day by a pic of a post from the other site. It said:
"... you lose your guitar-playing focus by constantly arguing with paid posters and bots."

To me this is hilarious and the hyperbole is beyond-hyperbole because:
A) There are no paid posters. None. Never have been.
B) I'm not aware of any bot's ever having argued with a member even once. They're doomed to short lives here and are bant in a game of Whack-a-Mole.
C) So we not only have 2 lies here, but it's then claimed that one has to "constantly" argue with these accounts.

That's quite a feat, doing something impossible constantly, but it serves as an example of the sort of hyperbolic, myopic, self-fulfilling-prophecy-style conclusions and assumptions possible in an echo chamber, be that located either in one's head or in a forum.

Squatchy, I hear you when you say you think it needs to stop, but it's a free world in here and if peeps want to see the bogieman under every rock, they're fully-entitled to do so.

The thing the mods don't like to see is constant accusations of peeps' being paid to cause shit. Nobody gets paid a dime for anything here. Fact. Just wish those peeps would stop peddling this lie 'cause as we've seen, if you throw enough mud at something eventually something will stick, in this case its a falsehood that through repetition becomes a belief for some.
I would ‘t put much thought into the other place. I wasted a couple hours familiarizing myself with the other site. There has been some drama that gives context to this place, but I think it is safe to say:

  • It is a grudge/sour grapes site started because of strong butt hurted-ness with this site
  • The place is pure drama, whining, and self-aggrandizement. They claim to focus on gear and music. The content shows otherwise.
  • The place is a freakin’ ghost town, fucking tumbleweeds are blowing down the “street”
  • With the brief exception of when Donnie and PLX had a recent kerfuffle over there, you can generally track the weekly post count on a single hand. It is often “0”.
  • It appears there are 3-4 accounts who are regulars (meaning repeat posters, there is no regular activity). I wonder if they are all unique people. Would be ironic if not, no?
  • The “regulars” seem to spend more time monitoring this site that generating content for their own site.
  • The value of that site is exacty $0.00. The revenue is $0.00 too.
  • The guy running the place is a delusional, petty, grudge loving snowflake
My point? Why give a fuck what the accounts there think or say? Seriously, you have a guy running that place who has proven over a multi-year span that he has no idea of how to grow a site. Why give a fuck what he says about how any other site should be run given the observable failure of his own joke of a site? All he knows how to do is build small little echo chamber that no one wants to be a part of.
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I would ‘t put much thought into the other place. I wasted a couple hours familiarizing myself with the other site. There has been some drama that gives context to this place, but I think it is safe to say:

  • It is a grudge/sour grapes site started because of strong butt hurted-ness with this site
  • The place is pure drama, whining, and self-aggrandizement. They claim to focus on gear and music. The content shows otherwise.
  • The place is a freakin’ ghost town, fucking tumbleweeds are blowing down the “street”
  • With the brief exception of when Donnie and PLX had a recent kerfuffle over there, you can generally track the weekly post count on a single hand. It is often “0”.
  • It appears there are 3-4 accounts who are regulars (meaning repeat posters, there is no regular activity). I wonder if they are all unique people. Would be ironic if not, no?
  • The “regulars” seem to spend more time monitoring this site that generating content for their own site.
  • The guy running the place is a delusional, petty, grudge loving snowflake
My point? Why give a fuck what the accounts there think or say? Seriously, you have a guy running that place who has proven over a multi-year span that he has no idea of how to grow a site. Why give a fuck what he says about how any other site should be run given the observable failure of his own joke of a site? All he knows how to do is build small little echo chamber that no one wants to be a part of.
I post clips over there on the reg.

I post clips over there on the reg.

Not sure what you mean by “on the reg”.

From what I can see there have only been ~100 threads since the site was created in the clips section.

The general sub-forum has had less than 200 threads started since its inception, and it is the “crown jewel” of gear/music related discussion over there.

The majority of the sub-forums have less than 10 threads. The only sub-forum to crack 1000 threads is their First Amendment Zone.

The “Internet Forums” sub-forum, you know where the drama is about other forums; has more threads than the majority of sub-forums in that site.

Strange for a site “focused on music and gear”. For that matter, their off topic section has more threads than all of their music/gear sub-forums combined. By a long shot.

That site is someone’s vanity project.

Not sure what you mean by “on the reg”.

From what I can see there have only been ~100 threads since the site was created in the clips section.

The general sub-forum has had less than 200 threads started since its inception, and it is the “crown jewel” of gear/music related discussion over there.

The majority of the sub-forums have less than 10 threads. The only sub-forum to crack 1000 threads is their First Amendment Zone.

The “Internet Forums” sub-forum, you know where the drama is about other forums; has more threads than the majority of sub-forums in that site.

Strange for a site “focused on music and gear”. For that matter, their off topic section has more threads than all of their music/gear sub-forums combined.

That site is someone’s vanity project.
Let's face it.. all gear sites are dying.

Look at MetroAmp, Plexi Palace (whatever happened there).

TGP is the last man standing - and that's a gay man.
Let's face it.. all gear sites are dying.

Look at MetroAmp, Plexi Palace (whatever happened there).

TGP is the last man standing - and that's a gay man.
No argument there, but the site we are discussing was DOA. Straight from the womb to the grave.

You’d think from the delusions of gandeur posted over there that at some point it rivaled TGP. Never. Got. Close. Hell it never came close to here. Pimple on a gnats ass.

I suspect that RT (here) gets more traffic in a single week than that poseur site has gotten in its entire existence.
No argument there, but the site we are discussing was DOA. Straight from the womb to the grave.

You’d think from the delusions of gandeur posted over there that at some point it rivaled TGP. Never. Got. Close. Hell it never came close to here. Pimple on a gnats ass.

I suspect that RT (here) gets more traffic in a single week than that poseur site has gotten in its entire existence.
Did you listen to my Van Halen clips, or what ?

Did you listen to my Van Halen clips, or what ?

Can’t find anything there. No search (at least for us anonymous heathens). Are the clips in the Van Halen sub-forum?

Man, you and I rarely interract like this and when we do it seems to be about the other site.
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Can’t find anything there. No search (at least for us anonymous heathens). Are the clips in the Can Halen sub-forum?

Man, you and I rarely interract like this and when we do it seems to be about the other site.
I'd rather talk about the JFK assassination.
