I'm leaving TGP soon....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Unacceptablenorm
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Meh, it's a good site from a technical-info standpoint, there's no shortage of knowledge or curators of collections one can't play. I don't waste much time trying to have discussions outside of gear there.

I don't know why people waste their energy on this forum status shit though. Don't want to partake anymore? Sign out and move on. Not a knock or anything, you're a good lad.
Good luck SamHell
I don't post on The Gay Page.
Someone post the link at least or take screen shots :yes:
But yeah, if the thread title is too obvious it will likely get closed and you banned before you can have any fun. I vote for the slow roll. Drag it out at least a day or two. Then someone (I vote for PLX) post a tone clip of Cat Scratch Fever :LOL:

Sam - are you related to SamHail? Had to ask :dunno:
I'm not related to SamHail.
But I am related to Acceptablenorm
Can I change my user name to that? I want that. That's brilliant.
If you go to your account you'll be able to change it, pending approval, which I'll do straight-away if you want to do it now.

There's a minimum time period required between name changes ( a few months maybe?) so be sure 'cause you'll have to live with it for a while either way.
If you go to your account you'll be able to change it, pending approval, which I'll do straight-away if you want to do it now.

There's a minimum time period required between name changes ( a few months maybe?) so be sure 'cause you'll have to live with it for a while either way.
I've been hanging around in case I was needed to give you a quick approval but have to run now.

Will check in and see wassup during my shift tomorrow.
New member here. Some of you may know me as Acceptablenorm on the gear page.
I think I've just about had enough of that place.
Planning to get myself banned from there in style on purpose.
This place is way more aligned with my views and opinions. And it doesn't seem to be ran by oppressive ninnies.
I know there many ex TGP members here that seem happier.
You can post some selfies of me if you want a quick ban

Glad to see our avatar again lol
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You were awesome on TGP.
at TGP you just have to stay out of trouble and in ignore the troll bait
ignore the idiots

i was fucking legendary under previous name. perhaps the #1 TGP troublemaker along with 2HB and PV
after getting my final ban i rejoined with a new IP and now behave myself.
only 1 minor infraction going on 6 years. no vacays.

only one person knows my past name.
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